Imagine; Dangerous Era #12

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-3rd Person Point Of View-

Summary: Michael and Y/n had recently broken up over Y/n feeling alone, and not seeing enough of him as he was constantly busy

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Summary: Michael and Y/n had recently broken up over Y/n feeling alone, and not seeing enough of him as he was constantly busy. The day Y/n left broke Michael he needed to have her back and would get her back by any means.

⚠️-kidnapping, Murder, drugging, Yandere, Split personality disorder -⚠️

October 31, 1992

The day Y/n walked out of his life it broke Michael as he begged and pleaded for her to stay, it fell on deaf ears as she continued walking with her bags out the door into the rain. Michael cried and cried as he lay on the floor curled in a fetal position in pain, his tears seemed never-ending as the rain pouring outside seemed to mirror how he felt. Eventually, The King of Pop gained some of his strength and got up deciding to just go to bed early.

Now it had been weeks since Y/n left and every single day Michael would call her phone, and send letters and gifts to her mom's house knowing she was most likely there. Michael was going crazy over not having Y/n as his anymore and not having her by his side. Michael would send his bodyguards Javon and Bill along with some others to find Y/n. He learned she was living with a male friend of hers, The male was enraged when he heard the news that Y/n was living with another man.

Y/n on the other hand was hurt and feeling down about their break up, she loved Michael with all her heart but him barely being home and not around is what caused the split. The girl was living with a male friend of hers Ben, who had been her rock to lean on during this time. Y/n would get phone calls from her mom upset about all the gifts and flowers that were overfilling her house.

"Girl you need to talk to him or something, I don't get no more damn room for all these gifts and shit," said M/n irritated over the phone

"I'm sorry Mom I'll talk to him I promise," said Y/n feeling bad for having her mother involved

"You better because if I almost trip over one more box I'm going to hurt somebody," said M/n

"I will okay, ma I love you bye," said Y/n hanging up and laying back in bed

Y/n lay there in bed, staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. Her friend Ben came and stood leaning against the doorframe, looking at Y/n with a concerned experssion on his face.

"You Alright Y/n?" said Ben

"Yeah I'm alright just thinking," said Y/n not looking at him

Ben let out a huff not convinced he knew she was just going through a bad breakup, But Y/n did leave out some things like her boyfriend being Michael Jackson. Ben thought to himself for a minute thinking about what would cheer her up.
An idea hit Ben as he broke out in a large smile pulling out two tickets.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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