Chapter 13

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-3rd person point of view-

-March 10, 1979- Los Angeles California

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-March 10, 1979- Los Angeles California

Y/n walked through the streets of LA trying to find a grocery store. She looked around admiring the pretty sights before her eyes landed on the store called Ralphs. Y/n walked across the street when there was no traffic coming and walked into the store. She grabbed a cart and pushed it inside then went to look for what she needed.

Y/n hummed to herself as she grabbed some fruits and vegetables and checked them to see if they were good, then put them in a plastic bag and placed them in the cart. She then moved to the frozen section grabbing some meats and, then grabbing some eggs and milk along with bread. Y/n was then tapped on the shoulder making her flinch a little before turning to the person. It was a tall white man with blue eyes and dark blonde hair, he held a gentle smile as spoke to Y/n.

"Hello um I know you are grocery shopping and I didn't want to disturb you, but I just had to say something to you when I saw you, you're just so beautiful. I just want to know Are you single?" said the blonde hair male

Y/n looked blushed a little a the compliment before giving the male a gentle smile.

"No sorry I have a boyfriend," said Y/n giving him a sad look

"It's alright never hurts to try right," said The Blonde Male looking like a kicked puppy making Y/n feel guilty

"It's okay, look maybe we can be friends instead," said Y/n giving him a bright smile making the male reciprocate her smile

"Yeah, that'll be great, I'm going to give you my number so you can call me, my name is Markus by the way," said Markus writing down on a notepad the handing a piece of paper to Y/n

She took the paper and put it in her purse before giving Markus her number as well. They both continued to talk as Y/n finished shopping. Y/n exited the store with Markus laughing at something he said.

"Do you need a ride Y/n, looks like you got a lot of groceries. plus I would feel right letting a lady like yourself carry all this" Said Markus gesturing to her groceries

Y/n thought about it she just met him today but Markus didn't seem like someone of ill intent, and she did have a lot of groceries plus if he did try something she'd throw hands.

"Yes if it won't be too much trouble, thanks for offering Markus," said Y/n smiling

"None at all come on my cars over here," said Markus walking off with Y/n following

Y/n watched as Markus opened the trunk and helped her put the groceries inside before closing the trunk again

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Y/n watched as Markus opened the trunk and helped her put the groceries inside before closing the trunk again. She hopped in the passenger seat as Markus hopped in the driver's seat, then started the car and drove off as Y/n gave him directions.

-Timeskip- 30 minutes later

Markus parked the car in front of a luxurious apartment building that Michael bought for them, he got out of his car helped Y/n grab her groceries, and then handed them to her.

"You need any help carrying them in," said Markus

"No thank you I got it from here and once again thanks Markus, I'll see you later," said Y/n walking into her apartment building

"Alright goodbye Y/n," said Markus getting back inside his car and started up his car and drove off

Y/n took the elevator up to her floor which was the top floor and with a ding, the elevator doors opened making Y/n step off as she walked onto her floor and quickly made it to her apartment. Before Y/n could place the key in the door it flew open revealing a glaring Michael.

'Uh oh' she thought

"Where were you? And who was that with you?" said Michael glaring at Y/n who stepped inside and walked past Michael

"Hello to you too Michael, how was your day" said Y/n rolling her eyes as Michael shut the door and locked it before following Y/n

Y/n sat her groceries on the table and started to put them away and Michael watched her as he only put a little bit away being a little petty. Y/n chuckled at Michael before finishing putting all the groceries away, and then walking out of the kitchen into the living room taking off her shoes and getting comfortable as she turned on the television, then and sat down on the couch. Michael sat down on the couch next to her taking the TV remote and turning the TV off.

"I want to know where were you and who that guy you were with is, are you cheating on me?" said Michael glaring hard his eyes watering slightly

"WHAT?!! Wait no! Michael, I'd never cheat on you I love you, I was at the grocery store and I met this guy named Markus who tried to get at me, but I told him I was taken and had a boyfriend. We exchanged numbers and became friends and he's the one who dropped me off" said Y/n looking at Michael hurt that he'd assume she'd cheat on him

"You gave him your number and just became friends with him after trying to get with you. Why the hell would you do that!? Why not just walk away!?" said Michael standing up now and glaring at her almost enraged

"I felt bad and guilty so I told him we could be friends instead, but I told him we were together and he knows that Michael I'll never cheat on you and you know what I can't believe you'd even assume that," said Y/n eyes watering as she turned away from Michael and walked away into the bedroom

Michael felt a pain in his chest seeing her look so sad and heartbroken, so he tried to follow her into the bedroom only for the door to be slammed shut in his face and locked.

"Y/n open the door, look girl I'm sorry I was just upset and talking nonsense. please just let me in so we can talk" said Michael pressing his forehead against the door

After a few moments passed Michael could hear Y/n approach leaning back away from the door, as the door opened revealing a crying Y/n. Michael felt awful for making her cry as he wrapped his strong arms around Y/n bringing her in tightly against his chest.

"I'm sorry baby, please just stop crying I can't stand to see you hurt," said Michael kissing the top of her head softly and rubbing her back

"I can't believe you'd think I'd cheat on you, I love you so much Michael, I can't even stomach doing something like that or living without you," said Y/n into his chest

"I know sweetheart, I was just talking nonsense cause I was upset, please can you forgive" said Michael

"I forgive you, Michael please just don't do it again," said Michael

"I won't girl I promise, now let me make it up to you," said Michael

Michael picked Y/n up bridal style before carrying her over to the bed and tossing her on it.

To be continued...

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