Imagine; History Era, Pt. 1 #6

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-3rd person point of View-

Y/n drove up to Michael's house which was in Neverland she watched the house come Into view

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Y/n drove up to Michael's house which was in Neverland she watched the house come Into view. The moonlight shined down on her car and the wind blew making the leaves dance in the wind, she felt a shiver go down her spine the closer she got to his house. Once she arrived at the house she parked her car before stepping out and walking up the steps to Michael's house and softly knocking on the door.

She got no response as she called his name and knocked on the door, before trying the knob twisting it, and finding it unlocked she watched as the door creaked open. Y/n stepped inside and closed the door behind her then called out Michael's name again getting no response. She ventured deeper into the house while looking around finding no one. Y/n moved upstairs slowly looking into each room before stopping at the last one which was Michael's bedroom.

She took a deep breath before opening the room door and taking a peek inside and the sight horrified her. Michael was standing over an unmoving Lisa Presley, he held a blank look while looking down at her seemingly in a trance. Y/n covered her mouth in horror backing away before tripping back and knocking the door open. Michael snapped his head over to Y/n his face went from blank then shocked, when she looked up seeing she had been caught Y/n got to her feet quickly and ran.

"Y/n! Wait!" said Michael chasing after her

She could feel Michael quickly gain up on her, she forgot he could run fast. Y/n could feel Michael reach out to grab her before dodging, not paying attention she could herself start falling down the stairs. Y/n let out pained grunts and groans as she rolled down the steps and then landed on the floor.

"Y/n! Are you okay?! Stay there, I'll be right there" said Michael moving down the steps

Y/n quickly got back to her feet and ran towards the front door, she watched it open up and stood in the doorway were both Michael's bodyguards. She ran into Bill's chest before looking up to him for help.

"Bill! I'm so glad you're here, you have to get help Michael killed Lisa!" said Y/n looking frantic

She could feel two strong arms wrap around her and pull her back into a firm chest. Y/n froze up in fear not moving an inch as Michael buried his head into her neck. Michael looked up and gave his bodyguards a sign making them nod as they moved to the upstairs of the house, taking care of Lisa and all evidence of her being there.

"I'm sorry you had to see that baby girl," said Michael using his deep voice

"Michael, why did you kill her?," said Y/n trying to wrap her head around the situation

"She was disrespecting you and I just blacked out, next thing I know I was standing over her lifeless body," said Michael speaking softly not seeming to have a care in the world

This felt like a nightmare to Y/n she felt uncomfortable and afraid hoping this nightmare would end soon. Y/n shakingly placed her hand on Michael's larger one and rubbed the back of it gently.

"Michael please let me go, I promise I won't tell a soul. Just let me go" said Y/n tears falling down her cheeks

She could feel his grip become tighter as he held her tight against his chest, a low growl rumbled in his chest.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that girl if I let you go then I might never see you again. I just can't bear being without you, I don't care if you hate me or never love me, YOU. ARE. MINE" said Michael growling out each word

Y/n began to struggle and fight trying to get free of Michael and get away but Michael was way stronger than her.

"Help! Help! Somebody, please help me!" said Y/n screaming

Michael covered her mouth with his hand while giving her a sharp stern glare. Y/n flight or fight responses kicked in, as she bit his hand hard making Michael yelp in pain and release her in shock. Y/n took the opportunity and ran for her life, throwing the front door open and running hopping into her car, and speeding away.

"Y/N!! Get back here!" Yelled Michael his eyes dark and enraged

Y/n looked up in the review mirror and kept driving watching as Michael's form disappeared from view. There were no guards ahead as she stepped out and quickly opened the gates, waiting as they opened and drove out leaving Neverland.

She felt her heart race along with the sound of her heart pounding in her ears. Y/n knew not to go home knowing Michael would come looking for her and that's the first place he'd look. The girl could just cry as she drove this whole ordeal didn't feel real to Y/n, she knew someone she could go to and hide until Michael gave up and just stopped looking.

Y/n drove to a friend's house and hopefully, they could help her. Unknown to Y/n, Michael's obsession with his best friend ran deep and he was not going to give up he'd look all over the world for her. The singer would get her eventually and she'd be his and there was no escaping it.

To be continued...

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