Training, learning and planning

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I woke up feeling like something was pressing onto my body or squeezing it. Thought to myself must be beacause im sleeping as a human and it will be painful doing the same things as humans do. 

Suddenly I hear a knocking noise from behind the door. I got up fast and was ready to attack the person behind the door. The door opens and I see its Alejandro coming to see how i was doing.

''Hey Poseidonia. You alright?'' He asked with a slight smile on his face.

Looking at him confused but responding nicely back, ''Y-yes'' you stuttered.

''Let me know if you need anything here. And by the way, if you want to come training with us you are more than welcome. After all, you have some amazing throwing skills.'' He smirked.

Wanting to deny this offer, but remembering that if i could use them to learn and become stronger, i could use it to get back at the humans for ruining my life in the ocean.

''Y-yes, i will come.'' you responded with bad english.

''Alright, see you there then.'' he closes the door and leaves you alone to get ready.

Leaving the room still in your sleeping outfit, entering the room that you were first brought into. Everyone stops eating and stares at you, especially Ghost and König. Their eyes were staring at you like they knew that you werent a human originally. You walked past and went to the kitchen sitting on a chair.

Roze sees you and offers you a pancake with syrup or without. You take the pancake and taste it. Not liking it and spitting it out.

''I want fish to eat, n-now'' you said with an angry voice but trying to avoid letting that anger in you take over.

Roze looked at you in confusion and gave you fish that was luckily raw. You ate it like it was your last meal on earth, almost swallowing it whole. Roze being surprised and also thinking you were weird, she smiled and left the kitchen. 

Leaving the kitchen aswell, everyone started to get ready for training. Following them not knowing what you were about to experience but so eager to becoming stronger. First was shooting. There were targets that had to be shot into places where it could kill the person.

Being new to this type of stuff it freaked you out. Hearing gunshots, it was loud and fast. First was Gaz's turn. He aimed perfectly at the targets heart and head. Then came Valeria, Ghost and the others. 

After they had shot, Valeria asked you with a slight smile, ''Hey Poseidonia, you wanna try? Dont have to if not interested.''

Looking at the pistol in fear, deciding to go for it. Shooting at the targets right in the middle of their eyes and on the forehead. The room went silent when you ran out of bullets. Having these amazing skills because you were a siren might make everything a lot easier for you to learn. 

Price then said with a surprised tone, ''Wow Poseidonia, that was incredible! Where did you learn this from? Might be better than Ghost at this point.'' He chuckled.

Ghost looked at him with angry eyes and storming to the next training session, which was wrestling. As everyone walked to the gym, it felt like everyone was staring at you at somepoints, like you were a weirdo but a strong and skillful weirdo.

Finally antering the gym, which had a wrestling mat. You were paired with Valeria first. Price explained what you had to do. 

''Ok now, your job here is to get Valeria or any other opponent to give up.''

Understanding him and you proceeded to get on the mat. ''Both ladies ready?'' Price added with a slight smile.

Both of you responded with nod.

''And, go!''

You ran straight to Valeria in speed, knocking her down with your body weight and almost breaking her back. Valeria didnt give up and decided to roll you over so she would be on top of you. She held you in control for about 30 seconds till your anger took over and you pinned her down causing her to get hit her head hard.

Gaz and Soap grabbed you from on top of Valeria and Price was in shock. You had strenght that no human could beat. 

''Alright, now how did you do that?'' he asked.

''I am s-sorry, i d-dont want to hurt anyone. Please f-forgive me Valeria.''

''Its fine, but seriously you are strong girl. Your good use for our missions.''

Not knowing what missions were but just nodded with a little smile on your face.

''Ok now, since she is that strong i want you to wrestle König and Ghost at the same time, to see if she really has the strenght to go on missions where she might have to wrestle more men than women.'' Price said while holding a cigarette.

Ghost and König step on the mat and while Soap and Alejandro looked at eachother thinking i was done for good now.

''And, go!''

You speed to König first also knocking him down with all your strenght. Ghost comes from behind, grabs you by the waist and pins you on the ground.

''Dont try anything funny now.'' Ghost said with an angry voice and noticing you heard his voice for the first time.

You were scared of these two men from the start because they wore masks that covered their faces and they were a lot bigger than you. Bigger than anybody there. Not wanting to give up you manged to grab Ghosts arm and roll on top of him. König tries to pull you off of him but you end up grabbing him aswell from the foot. Since you were stronger than them, squeezing their arm and foot hard made them give up in seconds.

They both got up after you won and admitted you had it in you. Hearing Königs voice aswell gave you goosebumps. 

''Your good Poseidonia.'' Ghost added. 

The strenght they haven't seen around here before. For the first time after sometime, you felt good and cared about.The thought of wanting to attack the humans went away for a minute. Knowing you were stronger than them and them not knowing you werent even human made you feel like you were cheating, but hey, it was worth it.

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