Drying up

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It's about 9am when you woke up from your sleep. Not like you knew how the time worked but still, it was early. Getting up from your bed you get ready to shower and brush your theeth since it's also something you learned on land that humans do daily. Well, some of them do.

Getting yourself nicely washed and cleaned.

"I'm learning fast on land." As you thought to yourself.

When you leave the shower, you get dressed up and instead of putting on the pyjamas, you put something else on. Casual clothings. You leave the room while starving. Wanting raw fish was the only thing that you wanted.

You entered the social room and see that only Soap, Ghost and Konig were there. Everyone else was still sleeping.

"Morning y/n. How did you sleep?" Soap asks with a slight smile on his face yet still thinking about the strength you had yesterday.

"I sleep well. Is there fish anywhere?" You respond to him calmly.

"There should be some in the fridge. Why are you eating fish in the morning anyways? And not just any fish, raw fish." He asks with curiosity in his eyes.

"It's good for me." You respond.

As you go grab the fish from the fridge and eating it with some actual speed, Price, Valeria, Roze, Gaz and Alejandro walk in aswell wanting to eat breakfast.

"Did anyone make breakfast?" Roze asks while chuckling a little.

"Yeah, im starving out here. How about Ghost or Konig, did y'all whip something up?" Price adds.

Ghost and Konig look at them with a stare and then look away.

"Whatever, I'll make some omelette for everyone." Gaz adds while being the nicest one there.

As everyone were talking to eachother, Soap notice's something on your neck. It's your skin, it's drying up. Soap comes over to you asking if everything is ok.

"Yes, why you asking?"

"It's drying up y'know."

As you lift your hand to touch your neck, it stings you. Gaz also notice's your skin and suggests you to go see the bases nurse. You deny it while knowing this is because you have been on land for too long and haven't interacted with the ocean at all.

"I'm fine ok. I-I have to go."

You run back to your bathroom and quickly take your clothes off. Seeing that the drying on your skin was almost everywhere. Your thigh's, legs, arm were starting to dry up. Thinking about going to the water now, but it would be so suspicious if you went now and others would want to know where you have gone. Deciding to sneak out during night time to go in the water. It only works with ocean water aswell.

You hear a voice shouting behind you door. Its Price.

"Y/n, are you alright in there. Soap told me about your skin. Are you sure you shouldn't go to the nurse now? It could be dangerous"

You get dressed fast and walk out of the bathroom and opening your rooms door to see Price and respond to him.

"I'm ok. I dont need help on this. I will be ok."

As Price looks at you worried but doesn't want to pressure you too much.

"Can you at least come back to the social room, i have an announcement to make."

You nod to him and follow him back to the social room where everyone else was already. Sitting on the couch with Ghost, Valeria and Konig.

"Alright folks, i have to make an announcement. We have 3 days off which means no missions."

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