First mission

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After training, everyone else were out of breath and they all went to take a shower. As a siren, you weren't out of breath and looked at everyone else like they were dying. Now, you were alone in the social room (living room) looking through stuff, trying to turn the tv on, playing with lights and the tap water.

20 minutes go by and Price yells through out the hallway, ''Everyone in the social room, ASAP!''

As everyone storms in the room, you were there ready and confused.

''Alright listen here, we have got a mission to take care of right now. Its about 100 Miles away from here (about 161km) an explosion happened there.''

''Uhh, does the place have a name or something..?'' Soap asked with a little smile.

''I dont have any informatioon about that, what i do know that we have to leave in 15 minutes, so everybody pack up and get ready.''

As everybody leaves the room, Price stays to ask you something, ''Hey Poseidonia, if you want to come with us you are more than welcome. But we cant afford any distractions. You have to be focused there. So are you coming?'' He stares at you right in your eyes.

''Y-yes, i will come with you'' you responded with a grin, knowing this is your start to your plan.

Not having any type of safety gear Roze, Valeria, Soap and Gaz decided to borrow you some knives, guns and other safety gear. Putting on your uniform, guns in your pockets and knives in a hurry as Alejandro and Price shout for everyone to hurry up since they were driving and had to take 2 vehicles 1 would have not been enough.

You got to ride with Alejandro, Ghost, Soap and König. They made you sit in the passenger seat with Alejandro, otherwise you would have to be squeezed between Ghost and König in the back. As the car starts you panic because the sound of the car is new to you. Soap calms you down saying everythings fine.

''Poseidonia, are you sure your gonna be okay on this mission. I mean, you just got scared of the cars engine. Are you gonna survive the sounds of loud guns maybe even more explosions?'' He said jokingly.

''I will be ok. I need to kill and learn.'' saying that confidently as they all turned around to look at you like you were.. different. But yet they had no idea about what you were gonna do there.

After the 2 hour drive in the car, everyone settled at a spot to scatter into 2 teams. The people you rode with was your team. 

''Whats the plan then?'' Gaz asks.

''Look out for eachother. The enemy team is known to be wearing a little cloth on their wrists so its easy to recognise them and for them its easier to know who is who. Look behind you and all sides. And most importantly, get us victory as always.''

''Well, thats the easy part. Victory will be ours captain.'' Valeria smirks.

''Where are we headed though?'' Soap asks.

''Alejandro's team will go to that orange building over there and we will go behind that huge wall. Find the enemy team, and obviously kill them unless they surrender. Make sure you find the bombs. Be careful around the bombs though, never know when are they gonna explode.'' Price explains to everyone.

As everyone nods and gets ready to go, your mood changes into this more, lets say, anger filled type. You follow your team, holding the gun in a weird way, but it was the easiet way for you to hold the gun and it made shooting easier for you. Making it to the orange building looking back every minute, gun shots are fired towards your team. You immediatley get down and so does everyone else. 

Ghost fires towards the enemy and obviously doesnt mis a shot. König throws a grenade at them which causes for some of them to die. Soap runs from the side shooting them all as Alejandro was behind him as cover. You try also shooting at the enemy but it starts getting boring with the guns. Pulling out knives to throw which you hit 2 of the enemies with but eventually give up.

''Im tired of this far killing, i will go there'' You tell Ghost and König since they were close to you.

''What? Are you insane?! Stay there Pos, dont go ANYWHERE!'' Ghost yells at you but you ignore it.

You start running over to 3 men and surprise them by throwing them onto the building wall with your strength. The others look at you in shock. Grabbing one of the men and breaking his arm then shooting his in his chest with no remorse. The other two men try to run away but you spot them and shoot them in the back aswell.

The others look at you like they have just witnessed a zombie. As you look at the others breathing heavily and with a little smirk on your face, Soap comes over to you in shock,

''How, the actual fuck did you do that? You just killed 3 huge men by your self? What the fuck are you?''

You ignore Soap, almost on the verge of also killing him since you were in so much anger and got to let it out a little bit. But you mid stopped you right there and you walked away from the scene. Your team ends up finding the remaining bombs and Alejandro turn them off almost at the verge of them blowing up.

''Captain the bomb over here is turned off, what about there?'' Alejandro shouts on his radio to Price.

''Everythings done here aswell. Back to the vehicles, now!'' Price responds.

As everybody arrives at the vehicles, they get in the car and drive off quick.

''Another mission, another victory. Nothing new really.'' Gaz spits in laughter.

As the ride back felt a little faster than the ride there, König decided to ask you what happened back there.

''Pos, how the hell did you defeat those 3 guys alone. They could have killed you right there and there.''

''But they didnt. I kill anyone who brings anger into my body.'' you respond with an angry and annoyed tone.

Finally arriving back at the base, everyone goes into the social room. Price asks about our experience and how we did it and defeated the enemies. Soap blurts everything out,

''Poseidonia here is a fucking killing machine. She killed 3 huge men by herself. She grabbed them and threw against the wall. Shoots on of them on the chest and the other 2 on their backs as they tried to escape her.''

Price, Gaz, Valeria and Roze look at Soap confused but then turns to look at y/n. ''No way you did that, i mean, how? Even i cant take 2 men myself always someone comes to my rescue. And the men arent even huge.'' Roze asks while being confused.

Staying silent and getting up to go wipe the blood off of you in the bathroom. Everyone looks at eachother confused and a little suspicious about you. It was getting late anyways so others started to get ready to clean up themselves and sleep.

Going into your room laying on the bed thinking about whats the next plan for this revenge of yours. But something was also stopping you from hurting the humans. The people in this base might have been dicks sometimes but still cared for you from the start. You tried to wipe those thoughts away but they wouldnt go. Falling asleep on the bed with ur uniform on still was relaxing and calm.

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