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It was 6:10am when you woke up. Got up doing your daily routine and packing your gear. You took your guns put them in the gun holsters and a few throwing knives. Putting on a vest aswell. You sat back down on your bed thinking how were you gonna do this mission. In the ocean? What if some other siren senses you and comes on surface? What if they see a siren mermaid or merman? Your thoughts were filled with questions that the only way to know the answer was to go on this mission.

Suddenly you hear a knock on your door.

"Come in." You told them and they opened the door.

It was Ghost.

"Ghost..? What do you want?" You asked curiously waiting for his answer.

Ghost closes the door behind him and takes a few steps closer to you.

"Dont fuck up this mission Pos. Dont do anything stupid. Don't wander off and don't try doing things your way" he said with an angry voice.

"W-what? At this point you might aswell just say don't come on this mission. Like if I see something that's trying to kill us, I will act fast. I'm not gonna stand there and just let it take our lives. What is it with you anyways?"

Ghost took a few steps back and turned and left the room not responding to you. This man was gonna be a pain in the ass on this mission.

You also left the room with everything packed. You quickly went into the kitchen and grabbed something to eat and packed some food with you just incase.

It was 6:59am and everyone was already in the cars just waiting for you. You hopped in the backseat with Roze and Valeria and Price was driving with Gaz in his passenger seat. The ride to the docks was about 2 hours, which meant you got to sleep at least 1h45mins.

~ Time skip to the docks ~

When you arrived there was a kinda big boat waiting for us. We got on it and sat down. Price went to chat with the boats driver telling him where the boat was that we had to get to. It was far. About 120km (74.5miles) away. You also couldn't sleep because the enemy squads might have some smaller boats that are there to distract anyone who tries to get the missiles. So you had to stay awake just incase they attack.

You decided to get up and go to the front of the boat looking at home. You missed being in the water. You missed your tail. You missed hunting. And most definitely, you missed your family. This made you tear up a little. Alejandro saw you crying and came over.

"Hey, what's wrong? Everything alright?" He asked as he moved his hand on your back gently.

"Everything is ok. I'm just, remembering stuff. Nothing special really." You responded while wiping the tears off your cheeks.

Alejandro then tapped your back twice and turned around to leave. Saying 'nothing special' really hurt. Your life in the ocean was special. It's something that you really missed.

20mins before getting to our destination. Price came down and told us what the next move is. He called everyone to a table which was in the boat and showed the enemy teams ships layout.

"Alright, get ready. First, Konig will be our eyes. He will tell us where the missiles are. The ship is big so they could be anywhere. Then, Soap and Gaz, you two will enter the ship quietly looking around and shooting anyone who stops you."

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