Fast healing

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The next day you woke up in less pain. The bullet inside you was removed. You were already halfway healed which was normal to you. You got up from your bed in the nurses room and opened the door. There was nobody there so you just left the building and went into the base.

You heard talking in the social room and went in. There was Price, Soap and Gaz sitting there. They noticed you were out of your bed and were worried if you had gotten hurt more.

"Y/n?! You are supposed to be resting now! Forgot you got shot yesterday? Jeez your bullet wound hasn't gotten healed yet please go back to rest." Gaz spoke and the others agreeing with him.

You went back into the nurses room since if they see that you have healed fast, it will grow a lot or suspicion. Maybe a bit too much of suspicion. Walking back into the room and laying on the bed. Your eyes start to close up again and you fell asleep for about 2h before you were woken up.

You open your eyes slowly seeing everyone there. Well everyone except the nurse. Valeria was happy to see you and hugged you gently to not hurt you. Roze did the same.

"Are you feeling better Pos?" You hear Konig say with a beautiful accent of his.

"Im ok now." You respond to him with a slight smile.

The nurse walks in and says that they need to change the bandage's. You agreed to it but it was a huge mistake. When the nurse takes your old bandage off, her eyes widen and so does everybody else's. You healed fast. Your wound has already been healed and there was like normal skin on you. Like you were never even shot.

"How the fuck are you healed that fast!?" Alejandro says with a Spanish accent of his and everyone else in the room is also very surprised.

"I-i..." you started to stutter and that made Ghost angry.

"You what now?! What are you Y/n?! This shit isn't normal! Nobody fucking heals that fast from a bullet shot. NO- FUCKING BODY!" He was shouting at you.

"Y/n meet us in the social room in 5 minutes." Price says before he leaves with everybody else.

You started to panick. This isn't gonna end well for you. And maybe not just you, your entire colony. It was a big risk.

You got up and started to walk towards the social room. Taking deep breath's in and out before entering the room. All eyes were on you.

"Sit." Price points at the chair in the middle of the room.

You sit down there looking at everyone with fear in your eyes.
Was this really it? Are they gonna know you aren't human?

"Is there something you aren't telling us y/n? Price said with an angryish voice.

"I dont know what your talking about." You look at him in the eyes terrified of what might happen next.

"Now now y/n. Whatever you are hiding, we will figure it out. There is no way you healed that fast. Not possible. It should take weeks to recover from that shot." Roze adds.

"I said I have no clue what you guys are on about. I just heal faster. Deal with it." You said and this made Ghost angry.

"Ay' if you are not gonna tell us now, one day you will and it might not be the nice way we will figure it out! So start talkin'." Ghost says with an angry tone.

You just stare at him in the eyes without moving an inch. He broke the eye contact and got back to his senses. They were not gonna get any info out of you.

"You are dismissed lady. Out all of you. Now." Price tells them and they all leave.

This made you start thinking should you just say it? Maybe they will not want to kill you. But, if they do they will go for your entire colony. Can't take this risk.

Price goes to his office and says through the loud speaker.

"Everyone, we have a mission to get to tomorrow. Wake up at 6am. We leave at 7am. Get some sleep. This mission, well its a stolen ship filled with missiles. We need to get them before they get shipped to their location." He continued. "And don't ask why didnt I just tell everyone to go into the social room and explain. Well, I'm tired. Anyways, be ready."

A mission, in the ocean. This isn't good for you. You couldn't go, but you had to otherwise it would be suspicious. We'll see what happens tomorrow then...

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