Close call

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You woke up to laughing noises. It was Valeria and Roze laughing at each others jokes. You were extremely tired from what happened yesterday, knowing you had to rest before doing anything. Wanting to stay at the hotel again alone, but also remembering that Ghost does not trust you enough to allow that happen. So you decide to get up and walk into the bathroom to get yourself cleaned.

''Wow, I am for sure learning fast from humans.'' you thought to yourself while brushing your teeth.

After that you showered and got dressed up in casual clothing's. Grey sweatpants and a basic T-shirt. Valeria sees you and greets you.

''Good morning y/n. Everything alright?'' she asks while eating an apple.

''Everything's fine. Wheres food?'' you ask hungrily.

''We are gonna all go and eat downstairs at the cafe. Price wanted for us to be together so that's why he said no room service if its about ordering food.''

You nod at her and turn around to leave with them. Going into the elevator and entering the cafeteria. Seeing all the guys already sitting down and eating their food. Gaz, Konig, Soap and Price greet all of you nicely. But that man Ghost, gosh, he was staring at you like you killed someone. He looked at you directly in your eyes and then finally after about a minute he breaks the eye contact.

You couldn't really blame him, i mean, you did run off without them knowing and came back running. But this was for your safety. No way your death reason was gonna be drying to death. Hell no. Going to the table skipping all the foods that there were.

''Y/n, why didn't you grab anything to eat?'' Gaz asks you and looks at you in the eyes in concern thinking that your sick.

''There's no fish. I want fish.'' responding to him while starving for some fresh fish.

Price looks at you confused and then speaks up, ''Why do you want to eat fish every morning. Like, do you not eat anything else than that? What is it with you and fish. Are you a fish huh? A mermaid or something?'' he said jokingly but serious at the same time.

Your heart stopped for a split second, struggling to get words out of your mouth. There's no way he knows right?

''I just like fish. But ill eat something else i guess.'' Grabbing a slice of watermelon biting onto it. Well, that wasn't that bad.

After breakfast everyone left to go back to the rooms grab some gear and go outside. You told them you would catch up with them in a minute since you had to use the bathroom. They nodded and left outside to go to the mountains nearby. Yes Price decided that we should go hiking.

Going to the bathroom and using it like normal. You sensed something was wrong. Someone was following you. Its like they were behind the door waiting for you. You open the door and see Ghost, of course it's him.

"What are you fucking hiding Pos?" He said angrily looking at you.

"Using the bathroom? Why, I did nothing wrong."

"I wont believe that shitty story of yours. Where were you last night? Do you work for some other squad huh? Undercover or something?"

Looking at him confused and wanting to hurt the man. But couldn't because if you did that, your next home would be underground, yup, dead.

"I was doing nothing so special for you to know."

"Ill find out whether you like it or not." He grunted and left to go outside to the others.

Jeez this man was on my ass.

Anyways, walking to the lobby and going outside. Going to the nearest mountain to find the others and you finally find them. They were all sweating and panting when you arrived. You weren't though, your lung capacity was large enough to even walk miles and not get tired of it.

Everyone looked at you and Soap asked you nicely smiling, "Y/n, how are you not tired? We have walked for awhile!" He said while panting for air.

"I just don't get tired easily."

Turning around to finish the hike until your on top. It wasn't high but the view was beautiful. Maybe land was pretty after all.

~ Time skip ~
Arriving back at the hotel everyone rushed to go shower. Laughing at them because you weren't sweating at all and not tired for some reason. For the first time, you laughed. Gosh it was weird yes but also the fact that it made you smile.

~ Meanwhile Ghost is talking to Konig and Soap about you ~

"How do you guys not see it? She is acting weird. She KO'd 3 men 2 times her size, she left the hotel yesterday without tellin' us anything'. Bloody hell she is hiding something, and im gonna get to the bottom of it." Ghost said while looking at his boots.

"She did disappear all of a sudden. She was coming back from the beaches direction. Fucking 'ell, i dont know. Lets not make it obvious though." Konig replies still not sure if y/n is worth trusting 100%.

"Just dont stalk her L.T." Soap says while giggling as Ghost gives him a cold stare and he stops giggling."

~ back to y/n ~

It was getting late again. Everyone decided to settle in the bar once more. You had to join them this time, otherwise they would find out about your true self.

It was fun at the bar though. Everyone laughed and had fun. Soap and Gaz looked funny while being drunk. They just say the most stupidest jokes that you didn't even understand. Starting to notice that, maybe land people are ok. Maybe I dont have to murder them and plan war against the humans. Gosh it was a hard decision.

Some guy even tried hitting on you, "Hey there sugar pumpkin. Whats your name?" The random man said with a grin.

"Why? Do I know you?"

"No, but maybe you could follow me to my room. We can have some fun." He added while drinking his vodka.


Alejandro saw what was going on and heard the man's words.
He decided to go over to the man, "Ay' fuck off now. Fucking horny bastard"

The man didn't even wait 3 seconds and he turned and left. You looked at Alejandro and smiled at him thanking him. Even though you had 0 clue what the fuck just happened.

~ Time skip ~

It was getting late and Soap and Gaz were absolutely drunk, so they had to be guided back to the hotel rooms. Gosh you had so much fun besides the random man coming over to you.

The thoughts of wanting revenge on the humans were seriously going away. You couldn't do it anymore. These people just took you in even if they don't know that your not human. It didn't bother you though.

As everyone went back into their rooms, there was still one more day before going back to the base and on a mission again. Telling yourself that this time act more human on this missions and not kill 3 huge men out of nowhere.

You plopped on your bed smiling happily. This was just so relaxing. But also this could effect your siren side of you. If on land for too long, you would forget how to hunt and you can become weaker. This was a bad thing. Also transformation can become slower and more painful. Cant let this secret hide forever. But being so tired made you forget about them and you fell asleep like a damn baby.


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