Being human

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Deciding to go on land for the first time, not knowing where you will end up. As you saw dry land and buildings, got up from the water thinking this was a good place for you to transform. Even though you have never transformed before, so didn't know if it was painful or just a quick transformation.

When the transformation started it was painful and your bones were cracking and skin peeling off as there came new skin in the place of the siren skin. Everything in your body started to change and you were screaming at the pain you had to go through. After the transformation, you finally got to breathe like humans.

You didn't have clothes or anything and didn't know where to get them. Got up to find something to cover yourself with. Found a backyard that had clothing hanging for drying. The clothing were camo. You took them and put them on, but struggled since it was new to you. Finally, after the clothes were on, you started walking around the buildings. Walking was also very difficult since it was the first time using leg's. While not knowing how to talk, it made everything worse.

As you were walking in the backyard of a building, you heard someone yell at you saying ''Hey! Put those clothes back ya' thief!''

You were scared of the voice and started to run, but very slowly. The man that caught you stealing catched up and grabbed your arm. While being so scared, ended up fainting there while still in pain from transformation.

After awhile, you opened your eyes seeing the lady infront of you in a full bright white clothing. While still being traumatized after the battle in the ocean and got scared of her.

The lady responded with a smile saying, ''You are safe here, dont worry honey.'' Not understanding her you looked at her like you've just seen a ghost infront of you.

The lady continued by asking, ''Now what would your name be?''.

A slight word came out of your mouth sayin, ''I..'' then looked around to see if anything would help at this situation.

Then you saw a picture of what looked like Poseidon. You knew about Poseidon, since he was the god of the seas.

You responded with a low toned voice struggling to say the name correctly, ''Poseidonia.'' (which is your code name)

The nurse was surprised by the exotic name and smiled saying, ''What a beautiful name you have!''

While being surprised by the fact you learned to talk fast, someone came in. The man looked tall and had facial hair. Also he had a slightly deep voice. He came up to you looking concerned.

Then asked calmly, ''Are you ok?''. You just nodded, not understanding what the hell he meant.

He then turned around to talk to the nurse, and told her, ''There is no info about her, she just appeared out of nowhere. Maybe we should keep her here, might be the safest option for now.'' The nurse nodded and they both left the room.

After what felt like a very long time, the nurse came back with the same bearded man. He then carried you to a big room placing you on a soft couch. The room was filled with 7 others. Them not knowing that you aren't human made you feel more fear in you. Not liking the fact that the room was filled with humans, you got up and became really aggressive.

Grabbing a vase next to you throwing it with some amazing strenght against a wall. It broke into millions of pieces. Everyone stared at you like you were just delivered from a mental hospital TOO EARLY.

The bearded man calmed you down, ''Hey, everythings ok. You are safe here. Just lay down and relax.''

Responding with a normal human voice, ''oke.''

The man introduced himself by telling his name and everyone elses, ''My name is John Price, but i prefer just Price or captain. The two ladys over there are Roze and Valeria. The mohawk guy is Soap and next to him is Gaz and Alejandro. Now, them over there are Ghost and König. They dont like new people. Trust issues y'know. And everyone, this is Poseidonia.''

He also continued by asking what your name was, not code name. You responded with y/n.

When he pointed at Ghost and König, fear filled your body in seconds. Their eyes were hateful looking. Everyone else said hi or hey back, they were quiet and turned around while still being quiet.

Talking started to get better, learning fast made you feel weird. Starting to think if you are betraying the sirens and regretting to coming on land. Then it came into your mind. What if i learn more from the humans to get back at them for attacking your colony. Deciding to stay and learn to talk, walk, defend and do everything a human does daily in their life.

Laying on the couch staring at the roof, Valeria comes up to you.

''Hey there. Heard there is no info about who you are or where your from. Did you get kidnapped when you were a baby or something?'' She chuckled a little.

Responding to her with a simple, ''No.'' Still have 0 clue of what she said.

After awhile, it was dark. This time your family would be all going to rest in the ocean as you remembered that you always raced with your siblings in the ocean and your parents being proud of you. Starting to tear up, not knowing what the hell wa drippijg from your eyes and being confused. It didnt hurt so you ignored it.

Price walks back in the room telling you that you should go wash up and eat before bed. You get up and grabbed something on the way to a room which was yours since you were new. Taking a piece of bread and eating it. Learned it from others when you were in that room. (yes you learned how to eat like a human)

When you entered the shower, looking at it confused than ever. Price saw you struggled to turn the shower on and he turned it on for you. You saw that it was water, but not water that would transform you into a siren. Touching the water, it was hot, but it felt nice.

Price showed you body soaps and shampoos if needed. He left the room and let you shower in peace. Taking the clothes you had on off and entering the shower. It was burning your skin at first, but got used to it fast. Rubbing the soap on you weirdly and the shampoo on aswell, while not knowing the shampoo was only for hair you just put it everywhere.

Leaving the shower wet, instead of grabbing a towel, you took the shirt you just used before the shower. Tossing it away and putting on some other shirt from the closet next to you. Wow you were improving on learning to do things like humans did. Laying on the bed, going under covers and closing your eyes was familiar to you. Falling asleep fast and snoring.

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