Preparing for attack

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It was 8:30am when you woke up. You remembered about that happened yesterday. Somehow you were alive. Because before you went to sleep you thought they would for sure kill you. Maybe they forgave ya?

Leaving the room and going to the social room. There was nobody. You checked the kitchen yet still nobody was there. You heard punching and working out noises. Maybe they were in the training rooms.

You walked there and saw them. They all turned to look at you and stopped what they were doing.

"Morning." You said not sure if they approve of you.

"Y/n. We have been talking. You being a siren in this crew, you can stay. We can also help you find these siren buddies of yours." Price said.

"Huh? You guys aren't going to kill me or sell me to a circus?"


You were so confused on why they wanted to help all of a sudden. They all did seem to agree on this. Well, everyone except Mr. Cold Stare, Ghost.

"Why should we help her?! She lied to us. Cant you just go back to what ever part of Atlantic Ocean you came from?! You are getting on my nerves." Ghost said and he was serious about it.

You snapped and responded back since he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"Ok Ghost for once shut up. You seriously have to quit being a jerk. Why can't you accept it eh? Have I almost gotten you killed? No. Why can't you just help me like a normal fucking human being would? All I'm asking is for help and I'll be back in the ocean."

Ghost stared at you. Your response annoyed him and he left the scene.

"We'll get your colony back. We just need some information about the people that attacked you. Did you see what their boat/ship looked like?" Gaz asks.

"It was big and it had black and yellow stripes on the side. The ship its self was dark red, like blood."

Roze realized immediately on whose ship it was. It was Savins. He owned one of them ships.

"It was Savins. If he gets too many of these siren friends of yours, the next thing you know they are in cages sent to the zoos and labs. They will be studied and Savin will earn money from this. We have to stop him now." Roze says in a calm but serious voice.

They all nod and start to discuss about the next move. Although Soap leaves to go and find Ghost.

After searching for this man for about 5 minutes, he found him sitting outside next to a lake. He walked over to him slowly. Ghost hears a stick snap and turned and pulled his gun out immediately.

"WOAH DONT SHOOT ME!" Soap yelled at him and tried to calm him down.

"Fucking 'ell John, don't sneak up like that."

"Don't call me John. Soaps just fine. But I came to talk to you about y/n."

"I dont care whatever you are about to say"

"Listen Ghost. She saved us, not just once but twice. Why can't we give her something back and help her. If you so want her gone, we could help her get the colony back safely and she if out of your way." Soap says while looking at the sky.

"What if she is lying. What if she is working with Savin? I don't trust her."

"Nobody trusts her fully right now. But just think about it Ghost." He taps Ghosts back twice and gets up to walk back inside.

Simon sits there thinking if this would make y/n get out of his way and never return. For the first time he actually felt bad for someone. He eventually makes up his decision and decides to help. He walks back inside the training room to find everyone there. He stares at Y/n for awhile before speaking.

"I'll help. But I do not trust y/n" he says in an angryish tone.

They all nod and start to gather information about Savins whereabouts and where could he have kept the fishy's.

"Alright the last time where Savin was and that we were there the same time was on that mission. But I have just received information that he is at a huge warehouse. Its an abounded one so nobody would go there." Price says while showing some papers.

"Here is the layout of the warehouse. It was built in 1998. There is 3 floors. I'm assuming that your colony members are in the bottom floor, since the bottom floor has a built in tank that was originally made for fish storage."

"But we also need to get Savin. I wanna see that man die before my eyes. He disgust's me." Valeria adds.

"Yes, Savin will have to die aswell. I'm sure he will be in the warehouse during Tuesday to thursdays. The other days he is drug dealing and shit." Konig says while trying to also look at the papers.

You were so relieved that they will help you on this fight.

The discussion went on for a while.

Finally after about an hour everyone went to do their own businesses. The plan to attack was on Wednesday at around 9pm. Better to do it at dark than bright sunlight.

You decided to stay in your room to be out of Ghosts way. Luckily you fell asleep and took a 4h nap. (Damn girl)

After waking up from the nap you went to the kitchen in hunger. You opened the fridge and took sardines. (ew) Price saw you and finally realized.

"I see why you were into fish all the time now hm.?"

"Yeah. I need fish more than anything. Tacos aren't my thing really." You both chuckled. You turned and left the kitchen. Back to your room to do something.

After about another 4hours Price again says something through the loud speaker.

" I know you would all want to rest from the last we just had but for y/n's sake it's Wednesday tomorrow and we are gonna help her. You can still sleep normally since our mission starts at 9pm. Now without further ado goodnight soldiers." Price says before turning the mic off.

It was early but yet you still went to sleep. Tomorrow was the day, you show no mercy and you get to see your colony again. Well at least some of them.

Hey so I just wanted to tell y'all that the next chapter is gonna be the last. I ran outta stuff to add here so im sorry. BUT. I am making a new story. I wont publish it yet since I haven't got a lot on it. But im gonna finish this one first before anything.

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