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You woke up in the middle of the night thirsty. Getting up to go in the kitchen so you could get a glass of water. You had to be quiet while walking in the halls since everyone was asleep. It was 3am. The hallways were dark and it was scary at first. When you found the kitchen you took a glass and filled it with cold water. Drinking it fast and taking another glass of water.

You were done drinking the water and turned around. You got jumpscared by the person behind you. A tall man wearing all black. You couldn't exactly see who it was. Then the man spoke.

"What are you doing up hm? Sneaking around at this time is not normal." He said in a low toned voice.

You immediately realized who it was. Ghost. Why was he up during this time?

"I only took water. I was thirsty." You responded in a sleepy voice.

"I thought you can't even get thirsty. Your a fish arent ya? Or did you forget that?"

"I'm not a fish. I'm a Siren. A lot more stronger than you. Cant you just respect it?"

He didn't respond to you and he just took a few steps back. He wasn't scared. He just let you get back to your room. He was still watching you to make sure you go into your room and not do anything stupid.

You walked past him in annoyance. Ghost was the only one who just didn't want to have anything to do with you after knowing the real you. You got to your room and went back to sleep.

It was 10am. Today was the day. The day that you get to see your colony again. You needed to be extremely powerful. Extremely strong. You got up and skipped shower since you wanted to go training and showering before training would make no sense. Since you sweat and didn't want to shower twice.

You did brush your teeth and tied up your hair. You walked straight into the training room. There was nobody which was good. Alone time does sound good right now. You was some punching bags and the boxing mannequins. (idk the name)

You first started with the punching bags. You didn't take the boxing gloves decided to do it bare knuckles. You threw the first punch in which made the bag move a little. The bags weight was 130kg (286lbs) which wasn't really heavy for you. You threw another punch and the bag moved more this time. You continued throwing punches and then you did an extremely hard one which made the bag fall off of the rope it was hanging on. It made a loud noise when it fell. But nobody came to check what it was so you just continued.

Next you went to the mannequins. They had a humans face and were kinda soft but still hard. With no hesitation you started to punch that bitch and do them air kicks. Your kicks and punches were too hard and it broke the mannequins torso. You were surprised yourself and just tapped your head proudly.

You continued the training by running around the room and lifting weights. They weren't heavy. Can you believe the heaviest one was only 70kg (154lbs) there?! Pfftt that was nothing to you.

As you were doing some lifting, you heard the loud speaker go off again.

"Everyone in the social room for a meeting about tonight's mission. Especially you y/n."

You stopped what you were doing and went in the social room.

Everyone else made it there before you and you were last. When you got there, Price started to get straight into telling more info about Savin and the warehouse.

"Alright folks listen up. I have gotten more information about the warehouse. Since it has 3 floors and mostly the bottom would have the fis- I mean sirens, it is guarded very well. Savin has hundreds of guards around and inside the warehouse. We cannot take the guards that are outside out first since it will bring attention to Savin to know that we are there." Price explains.

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