Chapter Sixteen

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Gracie/Izzy POV

I woke up at 2:13am and couldn't go back to sleep. I was just sitting in bed, having no idea what to do with my time. I sighed and got out of bed, sliding my feet into my slippers. I walked around my house for a few minutes, hoping that would get me the slightest bit more tired, but alas, it didn't help. I went to my kitchen and prepared some tea, but even then, nothing worked. To make things worse, Willa texted me saying that the werewolves wouldn't be coming to the debate. I sighed again and drank my tea. I slugged back to my bedroom and booted up my PC. It took a couple minutes, but once it started up, I put in my password(47592231), and waited for everything to load. I closed my eyes for a moment, but I reopened my eyes when my phone chimed. It was a call from Addison, for some reason. I answered the call, but Addison didn't say anything. "Addison? What's up?" I asked. Addison still didn't say anything, so I assumed she didn't mean to call me. I hung up, put on my headphones, and focused back on my PC. Everything had loaded, so I was able to play a game of Valorant(A/N: DISCLAIMER: I don't actually play Valorant, lol. Don't judge if I get things wrong, but if I do, please let me know how to improve). I was pretty good, but I still didn't get wins as frequently as I wanted. I signed into Valorant under one of my alt accounts, ekittencooker, and, after I picked to use the character Jett, I was forced to join a game with a bunch of noobs.

One of my teammates, ironically, was named 'ekitten', so of course, I had to mess with 'em a little. "Oi, ekitten! You better watch out and play well, or you'll be my next victim." I could hear a small tremble before my teammate spoke.

"Umm... can you even attack your own teammates on Valorant?"

At this point, one of the people on the opposing side started helping me. "Oh, you didn't know? It's a new feature. People on a team are supposed to work together, but they are allowed to turn on each other. She's right: Beware."

We started the match, and two things were made very clear to me: 1) Either people are just really stupid, or if you have one more person to back you up, people will believe anything, and 2) the best way to make friends for life is to play Valorant. Myself and the other person were quickly able to make the game one-on-one, and I'm pretty sure that most of my dead teammates had rage-quit. The other person, who had picked the same character as me, quickly brought us both to the same place on the map, but stopped as soon as we got there. "Alright, how 'bout we spruce this game up? We both use the weapon we're worst at using, and no flash-bangs or anything, okay?"

"Alright, bro." And with that, we each retreated to our sides of the map to prepare for the new super epic game of Valorant. The weapon I was worst at using was Bulldog, and I haven't used it since I found out I was terrible with it, so I was sure I was about to lose. I moved through the map, trying to find the other player while also trying to remain as hidden and stealthy as possible. I found them hiding behind a crate-like shape, probably not thinking that I would come from behind, as they kept focusing on what was ahead of them. I prepared my shot and... boom! Headshot. While they were trying to recover, I shot again a couple of times, killing the player. "Yo, gg." I told them.

"Gg, broski. I'm Leila, by the way."

"Gracie, but you can call me Izzy, Leila."

"Oh, crap. Umm... did you by chance get attacked by a person with green and black hair wearing brass knuckles on the way to one of your school classes? Seabrook High?"

"Yes...." I replied hesitantly. "Why do you ask?"

"Uh, yeah, sorry. That was me. Sorry."

"It's all cool, bro. It's okay. You know, I would like to meet you in person. Will you be at the debate today?"

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