Chapter Twenty

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Izzy POV

When I got to the school, I went straight into the gym. Everyone stared at my black dress, but I didn't care. I really liked the dress that I was wearing, and I didn't want to wear anything different. I got some punch from the refreshments stand and walked over to a table to start drawing on my iPad. I began drawing Roxanne Wolf from Five Night at Freddy's (A/N: Sorry, not sorry, but I'm kinda obsessed with FNAF rn if you haven't noticed already. I'm not ashamed, tho)when people outside started making a big ruckus. "What's going on...?" I trailed off when I saw what those people were getting upset about. The werewolves and zombies walked into the gym, and my first thought was 'law breakers! I need to set off the Z-alarm!!' I was about to walk over to the alarm lever, when Wynter, who suddenly looked really pale, stared pleadingly at me. I sighed and continued my drawing. After a while though(my drawing of course being finished), I decided to drink my tea. I packed my iPad away and walked out of the gym towards the bathroom.

As I was going down the hall, there was a sudden earthquake and the floor tiles to my right caved in. Some unstable bits of tile ended up being right where I was trying to walk, so I fell down the blasted hole. I tumbled for a little bit, but when I stood back up, I saw a curious glowing light. I followed the light all the way to the source: a large, purple crystal. I put my hand on the crystal and it felt smooth and cold to the touch. Taking out my bottle, I figured that no one would come down here, after all a dangerous hole of broken tile? Who would go down here willingly? I unscrewed the lid of the bottle and was 99.99% of the way to drinking my first sip, when–using my peripheral vision–I saw Wynter and Willa come into the area with the crystal as well. "Izzy! Hi!!" Wynter exclaimed.

Willa furrowed her brow. "Izzy... what are you doing?" Willa spoke very carefully and emphasized every word.

"Nothing," I replied.

"Nothing is the universal word for something." Wynter countered.

"Ugh! Not again!" I muttered under my breath. A bit louder, I spoke again. "Look, I don't need the whole ordeal to happen again. One time was enough for me."

"What ordeal?" Willa asked skeptically.

"Nothing. It's fine, don't worry about it." I took a deep breath and took a sip of my drink, the amount that should have done the trick immediately. When it didn't, I drank more and more until the whole bottle was empty. That was when I started coughing. A lot. Willa and Wynter shared a look, but I just collapsed to the ground. A couple more minutes and I would leave this cruel world.

"Quick!" Willa barked. "Get the box! Now, bring it here!" Willa walked towards me. "Look, Izzy, I'm going to put this around your neck and you'll feel all better, okay?"

"No!! I will kill you if you put that on my neck. I don't need this!" I yelled(A/N: btw some parts may be familiar cause I'm copying and pasting stuff into here). Abruptly, the mind of 6-years-and-364-days-old Izzy was reawakened. "It's the only way to escape! The only way to escape the Chamber. The only way to escape Mistress Gretchen. The only way to make things better!"

Wynter shook her head. "No. We won't let you kill yourself!"

"Who's we?" I exclaimed. "All of my other friends have already been adopted! You're the only one left, but in a couple of years, you'll be able to live on your own. Legally escape! Doing this is the only way!"

"I don't think she's referring to us anymore." Wynter whispered to Willa.

My mind was vividly recalling everything that had to do with the orphanage. "This place was freaking hell. Also, 'Mistress Leilani' DOESN'T EVEN EXIST!! Her name was Mistress Gretchen Barta, also known as Mistress Greninja Big Barta. And it was destroyed because of a fire, not an earthquake. And the Chamber was meant to drive kids insane if they didn't already severely injure themselves or get adopted before it got too bad. Now, stand up straight and show your face, worthless urchin." I closed my eyes and started crying when I felt something cold get wrapped around my neck. Sweat formed on my forehead, but I started to cool down; an uncomfortable sensation. My eyes snapped open.

"Willa," I asked threateningly. "What did I say? Do you remember?"

"I... I... yes?"

"Then prepare to die with me." I stood up and chased Willa out of the hole. She tried her best to get away, but I was too fast. I pinned her down to the floor of the hallway, but she would still try to resist. "Why won't you just let me die? It's what I want."

"I don't care! You have so much left to live for!"

"That's basically what Eia said the first time, and guess what? That was a lie!"

"Stop, Izzy!" That did it. I got off of Willa and took off the thing around my neck so I could get a good look at it. It was the necklace that I found in the blue box. I looked back at Willa and tried to give her the necklace back.

"I'm so, so, so sorry! I wasn't thinking straight; one of the side-effects of the herb I used. But anyway, here's your moonstone necklace."

"No. Izzy, you're one of us! Have you seen yourself?"

"N... No...?" Willa dragged me to the bathroom so I could look in the mirror. I looked sort of like Wynter, honestly. I was still wearing my Prawn dress, but my hair was different. It looked like Roxanne Wolf's hair from FNAF and I gaped(A/N: This person👇)


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What. The heck. Happened. To my hair. I ruffled my hair a bit and felt content. This was the perfect hairstyle for Prawn. I put the necklace back on and dragged Willa to the gym. The other wolves and the zombies were already there with the moonstone... I suppose they must have carried it out to make sure the wolves had constant access to their lifeforce. Addison came over to Willa and I, but I was okay with leaving the two to talk alone. I strolled over to the moonstone crystal and sat in front of it. I got out my iPad and started drawing; that was when they started singing.

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