Chapter Seven

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Nobody POV

"We'll hide here, find the girl, get our moonstone, and leave this awful place." Willa grumped.

"I wouldn't call it awful," Her brother informed. "They got something called Fro-yo.... Yeah, you're right. This town's the worst."


Gracie/Izzy POV

I knocked on Mrs. Brown's door. She's our music instructor, and one of my favorite teachers, with our art teacher, Mr. Bobothy, being my other favorite. "Hello, Izzy! I mean, Gracie." She joked. She knew that I preferred Izzy over Gracie, even though I went by the latter.

"Hi, Mrs. Brown. Is it okay if I work on the project?"

"Of course!"



"I really thought we'd all be at the Prawn together," Addison complained. "I thought Seabrook could change."

"It did," I countered. "Believe me, I will find a way to get us to the Prawn."

"Or we could miss it together." Addison suggested.

"I'm not letting you miss the Prawn."

"If you can't go, I'm not going."

"Well, I like you too much not to let you go."

"Well, I like you too much to leave you behind! I am so not going!"

"Ugh, you guys even fight like a perfect couple." My friend Eliza remarked as she walked towards us.

"How's it going, Eliza?" I asked.

"You know, fighting injustice is keeping me busy." She replied.

"And looking good while doing it, Zom-bae." Addison complimented.

"Addison!" Bucky hollered. "Time to officially nominate me as president!"

Addison sighed. "Cheer could be so much more than just pom-pomming for Bucky."

"Uh, Addison? Once Gracie's cheer captain, you are so off the team." Lacey and Stacey teased as they were walking by.

"And when I'm cheer captain, she'll be welcome to stay, because I'll be making cheer about bringing people together."

"That was awful trash talk." Stacey teased.

"I know, right? You will never be cheer captain, freak. See ya." As the two bullies left, Addison had to go too, so it was just me and Eliza.

"I gotta find a way to get us to the Prawn."

"We can crash it. I mean, we can't make the rules, but we can break 'em." Eliza suggested. I thought for a moment.

"But we can make the rules!" I realized. "We just need the right leader!"


Gracie/Izzy POV

"Okay, are there any more nominees for president?" Principal Lee asked. I walked up onto the stage.

"I will run for president this year." I proclaimed.

"Ok, anyone else?"

"Great news, we have a brilliant and cheer tested candidate running for president this year: Me!" Bucky announced, running onto the stage. All of a sudden, Zed came crashing down from one of the higher platforms in the room.

"Zombie strong! Hello, everyone. My name is Zed, and I am running for president."

"Zed can't steal my spotlight," Bucky whined. "What about the whole anti-monster thingy?"

"Anyone can run for president, Bucky." I reminded him.

Zed continued, despite my siblings' protest. "As the first ever zombie president, I will allow zombies to go to the Prawn, I will take Addison as my date, and we will get our photo on the Prawn Wall of Fame...." I would've stayed for the rest, but I was about to go into one of my coughing fits. I ran out of the auditorium, pulled out my handkerchief, and coughed until my handkerchief had blood on it. When I stopped coughing, I could hear voices I'd never heard in this school.

"The Great Alpha's near." A male voice said.

"Focus." A female voice replied. "Remember, we're fierce, we're savage."

"We're werewolves." A higher female voice announced.

"That's right, Wynter." The first female voice agreed.

We're scared of nothing," said the voice known as Wynter. "Except silver."

"Yeah, silver. And ticks." Said the male voice.

"And rabies." Said Wynter.

"Come on, if we're quiet, we can be in and out of here before they even know we're here." The female voice explained to the other people. Then I heard a loud yelp of pain.

"Ah, silver! Oh, pain! I can take it!... No, I can't!" Wynter cried.

"Nice grab." The female voice complimented. I pulled up my hood and went back inside the auditorium, staying as close to the door as I could. Suddenly, the door I just passed through burst open.

"There she is!" The female voice from earlier, now paired with an actual person, pointed out to a group of well over 20 people. "Where's the moonstone, white hair?" I didn't hear the rest as I put in my earbuds and played a song called Bluebird on my Spotify to tune the noise out. There was a part in the song that was especially quiet with my low volume preference, so I was able to hear a bit of the commotion, but only the words and not very distinct voices.

"Our razor sharp claws will gut 'em and splatter their blood! Too much?"

"Wolves! On my command!"

"Willa, we can't go to war with the whole town. We'll never find the moonstone if they're on high alert."

"I hate it when you're right. Wolves, stand down.... Sorry. We werewolves so admire your town, and we just came here to join your school."


The computer programming club president beamed at me as I finished tidying the room. "Thank you so much, Gracie! You have my vote, and I'll ask the other club members to vote for you too." I smiled back at him as I shook his hand in thanks.

"Whenever you or anyone you know needs something done, tell me! This was honestly really fun." You see, I have a different approach to getting votes. Bucky is handing out buttons to pin to your clothes, and Zed is giving out flyers and promises he can't keep, but I have the winning strategy. I'm doing nice things for anyone who needs help, so that they want to give me their vote. I've been really successful so far, but the werewolves will vastly change things.

As I said goodbye and left to go to class, I got a text from Bucky that I'm going to be tested for cheer captain just in case I don't win the election. I texted back an ok and walked to my next class, which happened to be my art class. I walked inside the classroom and took out my iPad to continue working on a mini-movie I was making for a project. It was a movie with a 1950's vibe to it. There was no audio except for orchestral music, which I edited to make it sound like it was being performed live. I was drawing a new scene, when Mr. Bobothy stopped the class. "Ahem. We have new students today. Everyone, say hello to Wynter, Willa, Bane, and Lafayette." I waved and continued my project, needing to go to the farthest corner of the room to have a coughing fit several times. Wynter and Willa were in the desks next to me and kept looking at me. I had just started another scene when the bell rang to go to our final class, which for me, was dance. Willa and Wynter seemed to follow me until we had to spread out in the dance classroom. The teacher, Ms. Katie, jumped straight into what we were learning: Latin dancing, starting with the Paso Doble. She had us all split up in pairs to teach us good frame, and she had just finished making sure we had proper frames, when the bell rang for us to go home.

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