Chapter Five

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Gracie/Izzy POV

Everything was in disarray. Bucky ran out of the bus and fainted. Addison panicked about Zed, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who stayed calm. I casually strolled out of the bus with my things and found a peaceful clearing that my treehouse could be seen from. All of a sudden, I could hear snarling noises and rustling in the brush. I heard footsteps and when I turned to the noise, I saw a girl standing on a rock that was placed on a higher, hill-like land formation in the clearing that also happened to be able to be seen in the clearing next to mine. She howled at the full moon that could barely still be visible at this time of day. I howled too, just for kicks, and the girl was caught by surprise, because she stuttered in her howl. I stopped howling after she left, and broke into a coughing fit. I doubled over and threw up a little bit in the leaves under me.

"Werewolves!?" I could hear my siblings shout. I couldn't see them, but their voices sounded close.

"Lacey? Stacey? JC? Tell Mom and Dad I'm going home!" I carefully stood up. I side-stepped my throw-up and walked slowly to my treehouse. I walked for about 10 minutes when I got a call from Lacey.

"Sis? Yeah, there's gonna be an announcement from the City Council. I'm just gonna leave the call on so you can hear what the mayor says."

"Okay." I confirmed. I muted myself after that, so if I said anything, it wouldn't disrupt anything. I made it to my treehouse and climbed the ladder. I put my stuff down on my table and went to the kitchen to make a cup of warm tea. Once I made my drink, I went to my bedroom and put my phone and tea down on the nightstand. I made myself comfortable on the bed and picked up my tea again. I started drinking it when Mayor Missy gave the city council's verdict.

"By order of the city council, effective immediately, all anti-monster laws are reinstated."


Willa POV

I stormed to the wolf den, and Wynter looked at me in shock. "Umm... Willa? What happened out there?"

"A girl started howling with me. A girl with hair like yours, but with purple ends." Wynter looked shocked. Both Wynter and I only knew of one girl with hair colors like Wynter, and she had been taken away from wolf pack when I was 5 years old.

"Are you sure?" Wynter asked nervously. I nodded. I led us both to the main area of the den, and I searched for Wyatt so I could tell him the news, but a younger werewolf stopped me.

"Don't bother. He's investigating the town."


Wyatt POV

"Attention all citizens. Monster laws have been reinstated. All curfews will be strictly enforced," I heard cops say repeatedly as I investigated the town of Seabrook. "Attention all citizens. Werewolves have been sighted in the area. Take cover immediately. Keep children and pets inside." These messages seemed to be all anyone could say.... Until I saw a metal contraption with delicious smells wafting from it. I got closer to look at it, but the owner stopped me.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We're closed for good. Dreams of Fro-yo success melted away, with monsters everywhere. Look, I like zombies. They like Fro-yo. But werewolves like human flesh. Maybe with sprinkles. Everybody likes sprinkles. Just run. High knees, run!"


Nobody POV

"Attention all citizens. Werewolves have been sighted in the area. Take cover immediately. Keep children and pets inside."

Eliza huffed in anger. "They see one werewolf and we can't go to Prawn? Okay, we have to fight this. Protest. Boycott. Hunger strike!" The zombie who was walking with her made a sad grunt, probably because he had just bought some food. "Fine. Finish your sandwich, but this is so unfair."

"Warning, werewolves have been sighted in the area. Take cover immediately."

"Zoey, come home," The zombie said to his daughter. "It's not safe out here with these werewolves on the loose."

"Just one sec," Zoey replied. A boy came up to her. He was in a disguise, but she didn't know. "Have you seen a werewolf? I'm looking for a were-friend."

"Silly kid, there's no such thing as werewolves." He corrected.

"But we heard it howl!"

"Maybe it was a hiker saying, 'howl's it going?'"

"It was a werewolf!... My, what big eyes you have...."

"Zoey," Zoey's father called. "Come on!"


Still nobody POV

"He's back." A werewolf shouted.

"Wolves! Over here! Come gather," The leader beckoned. "What did you find out?" The disguised boy who was talking to the little girl revealed himself. He received his necklace again, and his face markings were redone.

"They saw you howling, Willa." He replied to the leader.

"So?" She asked. It was clear to her best friend that Willa had calmed down from earlier.

"We're exposed."
"Looks nothing like us, Wyatt. We have way better hair than that. Stop being such a worry-wolf, brother. I only said 'awoo!' It's like saying 'ciao' or 'aloha' or 'I'll rip your throat out.' Anyway, who cares what they think? It's a terrible town."

"We have to find the Great Alpha."

"If there even is a Great Alpha."

"Willa, we saw her in the forest. She had the white hair.

"It was probably just the light."

"She's real! And she's going to lead us to the moonstone. And you know we don't have much time. More and more of our pack are getting sick. Our necklaces are almost out of power. We need to find the moonstone."

"And when we do," Willa's best friend, Wynter, chimed in. "We can recharge our necklaces and stay wolf strong for another 100 years."

"Okay," Willa turned to her brother. "Even if the girl is the Great Alpha, how do we find her?"

The boy smirked. "I found this in the woods. It's hers."

Wynter misunderstood. "We'll track her down with our keen sense of smell."

Wyatt elaborated on his plan. "Says Seabrook High on it, so I thought we might just look there."

"Ugh!" Willa huffed as she gave in. "Okay, fine. We find the girl, and if she's the Great Alpha, she'll tell us where the moonstone is hidden."

Wyatt seemed pleased. "We go in the morning."

Willa thought differently."We go tonight."

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