Chapter Nine

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Still Zed POV

"Yeah, that went badly." I said to Eliza and Bonzo as we walked down the hall.

"No way Zed is getting the wolf vote." Eliza agreed.

"All right, what are our poll numbers?" I asked Bozo. He was what he said next, or rather, what he didn't say, that made my spirits droop. "Ugh. That's awful."

Eliza reassured me. "We just gotta make sure you deliver a killer speech the day after tomorrow, okay? So the first step is–"

"More glossy publicity shots!" I blurted. Eliza and Bonzo looked at me skeptically. "Yeah, I look a little human, but that's only because people are lumping werewolves and zombies together. I gotta show them I'm nothing like those furballs."


Addison POV😒

"I am so fired up to be running cheer practice. Together, we can do anything," Bree was not looking at me at all, but behind me. I turned to see what she was looking at. Somehow, the werewolves had gotten in here without me noticing, like what Gracie does. "Sorry, but this practice space is for cheerleaders only."

"Ha! Just try and get us to leave." One of the female werewolves announced.

"Wynter," One of the other werewolves scolded. "Some respect."

"No!" I exclaimed. "I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay; show us what you can do." The werewolves came over to us and I started some music. "Five, six, seven, eight!"

We started the cheer, and the werewolves adapted beautifully, even though none of them were specially trained to be cheerleaders. When we were done, I felt some praise was due. "That was so amazing! You are all natural cheerleaders!"

A wolf came up to me once I said that. "Us wolves work well together."

I furrowed my brows. "But I'm not a wolf."

"Hmm..." He turned away from me and turned to his pack mates. "Wynter?" He exclaimed. The wolf known as Wynter was having one of Gracie's coughing fits, but not quite as bad.

"Well done, Addison," My cousin Bucky said from behind me. "With werewolves on cheer, this election is so in the bag."

"Bucky, this is not about politics. I always just felt like cheer could unite. I was thinking the team could move beyond trophies and we could start an outreach program."

"Whoa. Cheer is what I say cheer's about, and it's about winning." Bucky corrected as he walked away to try and convince the werewolves to vote for him.

"You are a leader, Addison," The werewolf from before informed. "But of something a lot greater than cheer."


Gracie/Izzy POV

After cheer, I went straight home. When I saw that the werewolves were starting to have my coughing fits, I knew that something was very, very wrong with me. I made it all the way to the Forbidden Forest before I remembered to call the school and/or Stacey. I dialed the school's phone number and quickly told them what I was doing. The lady on the phone assured me that everything would be taken care of, and she hung up. Then, I called Stacy and told her the same thing. Stacy just laughed and said the lady I talked to had already told her.

I hung up and climbed the ladder to my treehouse. As soon as I put down my stuff, I went to my bathroom and got a cough drop from the cabinet above my sink that also doubled as a mirror. I grabbed several more than I thought I needed and walked over to my kitchen. I used some of my extra cough drops to make a relaxing tea and walked over to my bedroom. I changed into more comfortable clothes, aka my pjs, and got comfortable on my bedroom floor.

After a while, I had drank half of my tea, but I was too tired to drink anymore

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After a while, I had drank half of my tea, but I was too tired to drink anymore. I put my cup down and crawled on my bed to take a nap, temporarily forgetting the woes of the day.

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