Slumber party!

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I sipped on some apple cider Applejack had brought for the party as I watched everyone glare at each other.

I took a quick glance at Gleam, noticing how she was ready to throw hands with Snips. She suddenly sighed as she walked over to the snack table. I secretly smiled when I had noticed how she bumped into Dusk.

Dusk grabbed her waist so she wouldn't fall as he blushed at her.

"Ah, I just love, love." I smiled while looking at Dusk and Gleam with a soft expression.

"It is quite wonderful, isn't it?" Elusive asked me, smiling down at me with a gentle look.

I looked up at him, noticing how handsome he truly looked up close. His smile made butterflies appear in my stomach making me look back at Dusk and Gleam with a blush.

I suddenly perked up when I heard the doors being opened. I turned in that direction and gasped when I saw the Dazzlers. I nudged Blitz, gesturing towards the three boys.

He nodded and took a chocolate chip from Bubble Berry's cookie, throwing it at Dusk. The chocolate chip hit him on the head, staying in his hair a bit. Dusk quickly dusted the chocolate chip off, turning towards us and looking at us in confusion.

I nodded my head in the direction the Dazzlers were, making Dusk turn to look at them.

He soon walked away from Gleam and we all started to follow him. I strayed away from the group, moving closer to the Dazzlers and listening in on their conversation.

"Oh, no. No one's mingling. It's like there's some kind of underlying tension that could bubble to the surface at any minute." Adagio smirked darkly as he watched everyone argue.

"It's the fruit punch, isn't it? I knew I used too much grape juice." Sonate said dumbly making Adagio roll his eyes at him while frowning at his idiocy.

'He seems adorably dumb.' I thought while I pretended to do something.

"It's not the fruit punch, it's us." Adagio reminded his 'friend'.

"But the punch is awful, too." Ario insulted the drink making me scoff silently.

"What do you know about good fruit punch?" Sonate defended making me smile gently.

"More than you." Ario scoffed at him.

"Do not." Sonate said. I heard the sound of slapping making me think they started arguing.

"Do, too." Ario responded.

"This is just the kickoff party, boys. Imagine what a tizzy they'll be in by the time the battle of the bands starts." Adagio smirked, already claiming victory.

I slowly walked away from them and walked over to the group. "There isn't going to be a battle of the bands. We're gonna make sure of that." Dusk exclaimed in determination as he and the others (minus Sunset) posed dramatically. I just looked at them with worry, feeling like this wasn't going to work. "All right, guys, let's do this." He said while grabbing mine and Blitz's hands. I grabbed Applejack's other hand, holding it tightly as I felt a pit of doubt in my stomach. "Friendship is magic." Dusk yelled as the boys closed their eyes.

I bit my lip as I stared at everyone in nervousness. They all looked at us in confusion making me cower a bit out of embarrassment.

Once the boys noticed nothing had happened, Blitz nudged Dusk's arm a bit. "Uh, weren't there rainbows and lasers and stuff last time?" He asked the purple headed boy.

"I don't understand. We're all together again." Dusk mumbled as he looked at us in worry. "Why isn't this working?" He asked as I stared at him in concern.

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