Chaotic performances

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3rd person POV

Snips and Snails beatboxed on stage for their audition. And it was horrible.

Snails: Oh, yeah
Snips and Snails in the house, yo
Snips: They call me M.C Snips
And it ain't no lie
My favorite food is like pumpkin pie

Y/n looked at them with a weirded out expression, wondering why they decided to audition if they were so horrible at rapping.

Snails: I'm D.J Snazzy Snails
I like whales
When I go to the beach
I always bring my pail

From the side of the stage, Bubble Berry vibed with the rap while the others cringed in secondhand embarrassment.

Snips: Everybody knows
My favorite color is orange
My rhymes are so fly
They're better than, um

Snips trailed off, not knowing what rhymes with orange.

Snails: Than an orange, yo
Snips: Yeah, represent
Snails: Yeah

They started to beatbox again as everyone stared at them unimpressed.

Snails: Get off the stage
I'd like to leave right now

Adagio chuckled in the crook of y/n's neck as she rolled her eyes at the two boys who tried beatboxing.

Ario covered his evil grin with his hand as Sonate vibed to the song with a smile.

Snips: Bam! That just happened
Snips and Snails outta here
Snails: Yeah, we out

And with that they both dropped the microphones, crossing their arms so they could look cool.

"Please do not drop the microphones." Celestia said in an almost bored tone.

"Yeah." Snails exclaimed as he and Snips shared a high five.

"Bam!" Snips said as they both picked up the microphones and walked off stage. "In your face, Rainbooms." Snips smirked as they walked passed the group of boys.

"At least we know one group who won't stand in the way of us getting to the finals." Applejack smiled at them reassuringly while gesturing to the two boys who walked away.

"Let's get ready to rock." Blitz exclaimed with a determined smile.

"Wait, where's Elusive?" Bubble Berry asked, noticing how the glamorous boy wasn't there.

"Ooh, here. I'm here." Elusive panted as he walked towards the group in exhaustion. Applejack stared at the boy with a tiny glare once he and the rest saw what he was wearing. "We will be preforming in front of an audience. And in front of y/n. I'm not going to wear something fabulous? Hmm." He hummed while showing off his outfit that shined in the light.

Applejack facepalmed in annoyance, but let it be since they were next.


The crowd started to mutter to one another as the Rainbooms stood on stage. "Remember, we have to be good enough to make it through, but not so good we let the Sirens see the magic within us." Dusk reminded the group making the nod in agreement. "They could realize we plan to use it against them."

"Got it. Be cool enough to win, but not so cool
that we end up showing off the whole ears and tails and rainbows thing." Blitz summarized with a wave of his hand. "So about 20% less cool." He smirked smugly.

"One, two." Bubble Berry exclaimed while tapping his drumsticks together.

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