Viva la love

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You smile as you hug Dominik laughing when he picks you up and lifts you up "God I haven't seen you in so long!" he laughs as you walk in the gym together. You and dominik had known each other for years as children since your dad's had been friends with each other for years raising the two of you, his sister, your brother, and your sister like siblings even living and being raised by rey after your father passed when you were 7 and joining wwe together. The two of you hang out and go with him to lunch with his friends who you heard of from him but never met until now as you take a deep breath following him to the picnic spot. "Hey guys this is a wonderful friend of mine she is pretty much my sister" you smile and wave as they introduce themselves to you feeling your breath be taken away when you see the beautiful dark haired woman in front of you "I'm Rhea nice to meet you darling" you feel chills go down your spine at the name she calls you always having dom to tell her you said hello or wondered about her running into her a few times before you both finally gave your numbers to each other and hanging out together just the two of you. You developed feelings for her as you and her hung out with each other more without the boys and you had an idea to confess your feelings for her by joining the judgement day with dom's help "I am honestly surprised by that" he told you when you told him everything and he immediately agreed to help telling Damian and Finn who joined in on the plan in secret to help and welcomed you with open arms. You wait backstage as they go out and get halfway through the match before you're given the signal by the boys and your theme song The Pretender by The foo fighters played being announced as the new member of the judgement day earning cheers throughout the stadium as you walk in the ring being praised and hugged by the boys and being lifted by rhea in her arms as you giggle hugging her back "Welcome to your new life love" you share a kiss as the crowd cheers and the boys group hug around you making both of you laugh. You become even more known and loved by fans after joining judgement day and keeping your dad's legacy and honoring him in so many ways when you can even coming up with a special line for you and rhea inspired by him "Viva la love" which warmed the hearts of not just the people you love who knew your dad but also fans that loved your dad dearly like you did.

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