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You got home from work slowly starting lunch as you waited for Dom to get home from an interview across town. You were making his plate when he walked in the door, smiling as he walked behind the island hugging you as you put his plate down making your own "Hey mi vida how did the interview go?" walking and sitting on the couch and eating as you watch Breaking Bad on Netflix "It was fine..just still pissed at what he said about you" you raise a brow turning to look at him "What did he say?" he sighs rubbing his face with his hands taking a drink of soda. You finish the last episode of breaking bad, going on YouTube finding the interview watching it as dom cleans the dishes and changes his clothes upstairs getting halfway through when suddenly "A month ago you and fellow wrestler Y/n L/n announced you were together she's a very attractive and good looking woman I'll say" you feel your eyes jump out of your head as dom walks in the room "Hey take it easy watch it dude" you see the anger, jealousy, and protective nature in his eyes as the interview continues seeing him grab and squeeze his hands until the video ends taking a long sip of soda. You turn seeing dom behind you, not being able to control the laughter that bubbles out of you at the look on his face "I really hated that, like it pissed me off" you get up hugging him changing the channel to watch reruns of CSI as you lay on the couch together talking to the boys and Rhea about the planned cookout you all had later that week laughing an hour later when you look to see dom asleep with his head on your stomach running your hands through his hair.

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