Double Panic

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All of you sing and dance as you all head to Dominik's house to celebrate your victories at Smackdown. You were sat next to Damian in the middle with Finn driving, Rhea and Dom in the back behind you and damian, and Sasha Banks in the passenger seat next to finn since she decided to join you to celebrate even though she was against you and you won, she was still happy for you and joined the five of you in your own celebration, you all laugh as you eat outside, uncontrollably laughing at damian bench pressing each of you especially when he grabbed you and lifted you up and down as finn and sasha give him smirks and thumbs up while dom and rhea mouth "Go for it" to him as he tickles you and chases you before you both stop, panting getting cold water to drink. You all binge watch Lord of the rings while smoking and passing a joint as you all talk in between the movie "Sasha would be a hobbit with how short she is" you all laugh at finn's joke as sasha slaps his arm "I would be an elf for sure honestly out of all of us damian would be one too" you giggle as damian smiles at you "Why's that?" You look at rhea winking "First off, very good looking man with long hair already, secondly, the ears and the youthful look would add more to it, and third he would be a badass and right next to me since I would be one too" you smile gently patting damian's shoulder as you walk by to get a drink from the fridge, coming back to see a surprised look on his face "You okay dames?". He nods as you sit back down next to dom on the floor, taking the joint and smoking it as sasha talks about when she realized she was in love with her husband Sarath Ton who was a wrestler too, "Every time I was around him this feeling of warmth would come over me even if I was having a bad day, or stressed that warmth would take it away" you listen and as she explained more, everything clicked making you choke passing the joint to finn "Woah you're gonna have a lung come up in a minute" you take a drink of water as you catch your breath looking at damian who sat next to you rubbing your back as you breath normal, you all finish the movies and the joint deciding that everyone stays the night at dom's, you in a guest room at the end of the hall from the guest room rhea was in and next to the one damian was in and sasha in the last one on the other side of rhea while finn took the couch. You toss and turn until you get up and go in the kitchen, sighing as you gulp the water turning and bumping into damian who also couldn't sleep "Can't sleep either?" you nod walking and sitting on the couch, occasionally staring at him as he drinks a cup of orange juice until you locked eyes with each other saying the same thing at the same time laughing quietly at each other, walking to him reaching your hand out to touch his hair, loosely flowing down his shoulders, feeling your heart stop when he puts his hand on your chest. You smile when he moves his hand to hold your face smiling even bigger when your lips connect in an electric and loving kiss, swaying slightly as you hold each other, agreeing to go out for lunch tomorrow and have things go from there "Earlier when you choked did you realize too?" you laugh as you look up at him from his chest "Yea I assume when I saw that look on your face was your moment?" he shakes his head smiling and nodding as you walk back to your rooms, having lunch together and 4 weeks later, you announce to your friends, fans, and loved ones that you and damian were together.

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