Not her you won't

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You cheer as you walk down the ramp with Bayley by your side, you climb in the ring staring down Sasha Banks until she lunges forward to grab you but you stopped and suplexed her. The match became full of adrenaline as time went on and the both of you put up a big fight, even to the point where the two of you had to just lay on the ground to breath from how exhausting the match was as you knocked her down and moon saulted her, but she kicked out which made you yell in frustration, after a bit more of dodging and attacking mostly you getting hits in, she grabbed you and first knocked you in the ring post before slamming you in the ropes and throwing you on a table outside of the ring, despite bayley distracting her and jumping in, she still jumps as you were moving to get away, landing right on you as you both fall through the table. You scream loudly as uncontrollable pain surged through your body, you yell as sasha grabs and jerks you up but the next thing you know, your leaning and pulling yourself back in the ring with the ropes after bayley grabs sasha and throws her over the commentator's table "Not her you fucking won't bitch!" she slaps her and knocks her out before throwing her back in the ring, cheering you on as you lay on top of her and cry not only from pain but from the emotions of winning as you crawl and roll out of the ring, being carried to medical by bayley as she whispers to you and kisses your temple as she puts you on the examining table, you are told that you have a compression fracture in your back and two broken ribs, feeling frustrated that you will be out for awhile due to your back. You groan in pain as you carefully lay down in bed in your shared hotel room with bayley helping you, she helps you eat and take pain meds for your back, "I'm so proud of you today" you smile as you keep still since you were and will be wearing a back brace to help your back heal, she leans over and gently kisses you as you kiss back "I love you" you hold each other's hands as you watch Rush Hour and laugh at the movie "I love you baby" she turns a shade of pink as you giggle at her reaction, feeling love course through you even along with the pain.

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