A seven year old boy with fluffy white hair and red eyes is walking hand in hand with a mature looking elf wearing a uniform. Said elf which is named Ryu is holding Bell in one hand and a bag of groceries in her other hand.
Ryu: Bell don't let go of my hand ok? There are a lot of people on our way back to the hostess so I don't want you getting lost.
Bell: Yes, Ryu Oneeama!
Ryu blushed at the littles boys statement.
Ryu: ahhhh....... (He is just so pure and innocent) Ryu thinks in her mind.
But Bell being as young and curious as he is. The moment he spotted something of interest he would forget everything around him and just focus on that which interests him. In the case a clown show
Man1: Step right up everyone and enjoy the show!. Only 50 valis per per person!
Bell lets go of Ryu's hand without he noticing. In any other cases she would have immediately known that bell was no longer with her, but in this case she was busy deciding on what vegetable she should add to the groceries for the hostess. So without her knowing bell was already gone to the crowd.
Bell: Woahhhhh!!!!. I that looks so cool I wanna see!!
Man1: 50 valis per person kid
Bell: aww I have no money on me~~~
Man1: Well then scram kid!
People in Oraio, especially business men don't take kindly to people they consider peasants. So when a kid like bell comes up to one of them with no money in hand, they tend to get a bit physical. The Man pushes Bell into the ground as he begins to greet other customers. But that would be his biggest mistake, as right at that moment, an elf saw the scene.
Bell: (On the floor) owie owie~~~~
Ryu: BELL!!. Are you alright???. Do you need to be healed?!?!.
Bell: Oneesan is too much of a worried. I'm fine see!
Ryu: Thank the gods~~ now can you hold this bag and wait for me at that bench?
Bell: hm? why? what are you going to do?
Ryu: Now be a good little bunny at wait for me right there.
Bell: Mouuuuu!!!... I'm not a little bunny (Bell states before he walks into the bench)
Ryu then walks over to the man that pushed bell into the ground. She has the face of pure grace and calmness on the outside, but on the inside she is just about ready to cause a bloody murder.
Ryu: excuse me dear sir~ I sir I am a avid fan of yours~~. Would you mind we have a chat in private.
Man1: hm.. Why of course! anything for a lady such as yourself!!.
When they were both alone before anyone can say anything Ryu kicked the man in the left knee.
Man1: AHHHHH!!!!!!!. What ae you doing!!! Do you not know who I am, I'm the rich---
Ryu did not let him finish as she broke his other knee
Man: S.Stop... Please... I beg of you.
Ryu: I have no interest in who or what you are. I just want you to know that anyone who hurts my little bell~. No matter how small will ANSWER to me! Do I make myself clear!!!!
Man1: Y....Y.....Yes.... Please I.... I understand now so please let me go
Ryu: Now it was those arms that brought harm to my little bunny. I ought to remove them to be safe. Wouldn't you agree?
Man1: NO. WAIT......PLEASE NOOOOOO--------
A little while later......
Bell: Oneeama welcome back!
Ryu: ahhhh...... bell I need a huggggggg (proceeds to hug big as tight as she could)
After Ryu lets go of bell
Ryu: Shall we go back to the hostess now bell?
Bell: Yes I'm getting hungry ehehehehe. AH Oneesan what's that red stain on your sleeve?
Ryu: ah that. That's just some paint that got on my sleeve while I was buying groceries. Anyways we best hurry, if we have time Ill give you a bath~~
Bell: YAYYYY!. Lets hurry then cmon cmon.

Danmachi Short stories
HumorJust a bunch of scenarios and stories for certain characters in Danmachi.