High Elf (Part 2)

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Hello Im really sorry for the delay I was traveling the past few days. Anyways here is part 2 of High Elf I hope you enjoy

I have also released another chapter in my Patreon called "Bell's hand in Marriage" link will be down below I hope you enjoy it and I hope I see some of you there Thanks!


Twilight Manor

The same time after Riveria, Alise and Ryu left to find Bell

Finn: Still hard to believe.

Loki: What that Riveria has a brother?

Finn: *chuckles* No. Its hard to believe that soon were going to hear someone call Riveria Big sister.

Gareth: *Laughs*. She might consider it an improvement from being called mama all the time!

Loki: Or she might become the doting kind of sister!

Finn, Loki and Gareth: AHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

Tiona: So Aiz what do you think Riveria's brother gonna be like!

Aiz: ??

Tione: Maybe another strict to the book elf like Riveria herself?

Tiona: I was thinking a rebellious kind??!. You know, since he supposedly ran away from home!.

Aiz: Do we have to call him uncle when he arrives?

Bete: *Laughs* Try I dare ya!!!

Tione: Are you an idiot? Riveria hates being called mama I don't think I want another angry elf running around here!.

Tiona: Either way I cant wait for him to get here!!


Guild Hall

Riveria: Alise the last you saw of my brother was just before you got in the guild right?

Alise: Yes Yes!. He suddenly ran away from me, can you believe it, he ran away from the beautiful Alise!!!.

Ryu: *Coughs*

Riveria: And Lefiya that's when you saw Bell inside the guild is that right?

Lefiya: Yes lady Riveria! He ran off just when you got there!.

Riveria: Damn! Where would he go next?

Ryu: Hmmmmm. If I may lady Riveria.

Riveria: What is it Ryu did you think of something?

Ryu: Well, based on the timing, Alise met Bell sama just when he got into the city, then in the guild hall he encountered Lefiya. With all that walking around he's been doing the next logical thing he would do is find a place to rest. Or find a place to satisfy perhaps his hunger??.

Riveria: Interesting. Well based of the time that Lefiya last saw him to now. His probably either still resting or eating.

Lefiya: But knowing all that were would he go for those??

Alise: *Could it be?*


Alise: Now Just Bell!, were getting close the Guild but before that look at this!!!

Bell: *Sighs* *She's never gonna say my name right is she.* What's that Ms. Alise?

Alise: First of all, stop with the Ms. Im just the wonderful Alise to you. Now try again!.

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