Confession Aftermath's (Kaguya)

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After finally convincing his mother and aunt to let him become an adventurer, Bell was granted Hera's falna. The goddess, though, couldn't help but worry for her beloved grandchild. Excited by his newfound strength, Bell eagerly threw himself into training. But every time, his mother, Meteria, or his aunt, Alfia, would intervene, insisting he take breaks and rest. Frustrated by the constant interruptions at home, Bell decided to train at his close friend's Familia home instead, the Astrea Familia.







Bell is in the middle of training with his dagger, trying to get faster and more precise with his movements. Kaguya, who's been observing him closely as usual, but pretending it's all part of her "protector duties", is standing nearby with her arms crossed, looking stern as always.

Kaguya: Your form is sloppy, Bell. You're still leaving yourself open on the left side.

She said in a stoic voice.

Bell: *Pant* Ah.... Sorry, Kaguya! I'm trying my best.

Kaguya: I know. I've been watching you closely for quite some time now-

She suddenly pauses, realizing how that might sound, and her cheeks turn slightly pink.

Bell: Uh... thanks? I guess.

Gathering her resolve, she steps forward with a very serious expression 

Kaguya: Bell Cranel. There's something I need to tell you. And it cannot wait.

Bell: Eh? What is it?

He placed his dagger back at it's scabbard as he shifted his focus solely on Kaguya.

With a deep breath Kaguya said-

Kaguya: you.

Bell: Like me... as in, like a friend, right?

He said while tilting his head

Kaguya's eyes twitched slightly  when she heard Bell's question

Kaguya: No, Bell Cranel. Not like a friend. Like... 

Instead of finishing her words Kaguya suddenly pulls out a notebook under her kimono and opens it dramatically.

Kaguya: Like this!

Bell: W-What... is that?

Kaguya: It's a detailed analysis of my feelings. Section 1: Initial Observations. Section 2: Growing Affection. Section 3: The Confession Phase. I have prepared a comprehensive report on how my heart has been affected by you, and I expect you to read it thoroughly.

Bell: *Blush* A-A report?! On your feelings?!

Kaguya: *Nods* Yes. I believe in precision and clarity. You should be aware of all factors before responding.

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