Orario's idol challenge (Final Part)

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As Aiz, Tiona, and Lefiya waved enthusiastically to the crowd, Bell's face was a vivid shade of red, eyes wide as he watched the trio finish their performance with graceful smiles and sparkling confidence.

Bell: T-They were so amazing! I've never seen anything like it... A-And Aiz especially, she was... breathtaking...

He mumbled to himself, cheeks flushed.

Lost in his admiration, Bell barely noticed as Aiz, Lefiya, and Tiona descended from the stage, their smiles lingering as they took in the crowd's applause. Then Ibri's energetic voice took over, regathering everyone's attention.

Ibri: Now that was a stunning performance from the beauties of the Loki Familia! But don't go anywhere, folks, because we've got another act you won't want to miss! Let's give a huge welcome to another of Loki Familia's stars, Bete Loga!

The crowd erupted into another wave of cheers and eager clapping, their excitement building as Bete stepped onto the stage. 

His expression was less enthusiastic, he wore a slight scowl as if the whole performance was forced upon him. His hands were buried deep in his pockets, and his shoulders were hunched, giving him a rebellious air as he approached the center of the stage. Dressed in a grey denim jacket, casually unbuttoned over a simple white shirt and dark pants, Bete looked more like he was reluctantly tolerating the crowd's cheers than enjoying them. 

He shot a glare out at the audience, almost challenging anyone to laugh at him, yet something about his bold, defiant attitude only seemed to make the crowd cheer louder.

In the deities' section, Loki leaned back with a gleeful chuckle, thoroughly entertained by the spectacle unfolding below.

Loki: *Chuckle* I knew they'd eat it up! Nothing like a brooding rebel who looks like he'd rather be anywhere else, right?

Beside her, Freya watched with a smirk, a glint of amusement in her eyes as she glanced at Loki.

Freya:*Smirk* Oh, my dear Loki~ You really do have some peculiar fantasies. Was this your brilliant idea, by any chance?

Loki: As much as I'd love to take the credit, nope! This little show was all Mama Riveria's doing. She thought putting Bete on stage would be the perfect 'lesson' for all his idiocy.

Freya: Oh? That's interesting.

As Bete made it to center stage, Ibri tossed him a mic, distinctly different from the one he'd been using the entire event. With a grin and a quick thumbs-up, Ibri stepped off the stage, leaving Bete alone before the buzzing audience.

In the room prepared for Aiz, Lefiya, and Tiona, the trio watched with rapt attention, their eyes glued to the magic mirror that displayed Bete standing stiffly with the mic in hand.

Lefiya: H-He's not actually going to... S-Sing, is he?

She fidgeted, her face flustered.

Tiona: Hee-hee... Oh, this is gonna be priceless.

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