Big sister is an Air Head (Final Part)

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A bar in the outskirts of the red light district

In a noisy bar in the outskirts of the pleasure district, two members of the Loki Familia can be seen enjoying their drinks.

Bete: GAH!! What I tell you rabbit!! Booze like these just hits the spot!!

While Bete was enjoying himself in drowning in booze, Bell was getting drowsy while holding a mug which contains alcohol.

Bell: I....Ijust.........shleepy........showy~~

Bete: Oh come on you only had one drink!! Come one drink some more!!

Bell: toshleepybedtimesoongoobye~~

Bete: Oh you got to be kidding me!! Is the rabbit down for the count already!!

Suddenly the doors to the Pub opened revealing amazons from the red light district.

Amazon1: Hello everyone~ Were too tired and could use a drink~

Amazon2: But we have no valis on us~ Anyone care to give us a drink? We promise to make it your while~

The amazons spoke in a sultry and flirtatious voice. it wasn't long before men around the pub started offering the ladies free drinks.

Bell: lookitsmoretionaandtioneehehehe~

Bete: Well damn kids really out of it. I should probably take him home before the others get home.

Standing up he grabbed Bell by the shoulders lifting him up. But before he and Bell could walk out of the bar, he was suddenly surrounded by a bunch of amazon women.

???: Well well well, look who we have here~

???: AH! Bete Loga!! I've missed you!!

two of the amazon's that surrounded the drunk Bell and Bete knew of them, and Bete knew of them as well. If Bell was sober he would've instantly recognized them and would try to run away from one of them to protect his chastity.

Bete: Tsk! Lena. And Aisha if Im not mistaken.

Lena: Bete Loga what's with that mood?!! Don't you miss your beloved?!

Bete: Shut it, you know damn well there isn't anything between us!!

Lena: *Fake tears* How cruel~ After exploring every inch of my body, this is how you treat me?~ Mean~

The rest of the amazons that were surrounding the two began whispering among themselves which ranged from saying things such us "Poor Lena" to "I wanna have a go"

Aisha looked towards the other amazons and said to them.

Aisha: Ladies, we know these two so I say it's our catch. Now scram!!

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