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Charlotte's POV

"Gustav!" I yelled as I banged on my little brother's bedroom door. The door quickly swung open and Gustav stood there as he rolled his eyes. "I'm coming!" He yelled back before stepping out of the bedroom and following me down the stairs.

"Georg and his mom have been waiting for like ten minutes for you," I said as we reached the kitchen where our mother was cleaning up after dinner. "It was not ten minutes." Gustav snapped at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Stop arguing, you two." Our mother said as she dried her hands on a towel and began walking up to us. "Have fun, and tell Georg's mom I said hello." I smiled and nodded at her as she gave us both a quick hug.

"Now, go! Don't make them wait any longer." She said to us as she lightly pushed us toward the kitchen door. We started walking towards the front door and saw our dad sitting on the couch. "Have fun, guys." He mumbled without taking his eyes off the television and  I opened the door before letting Gustav walk out first. I followed closely behind him as we made our way to the car.

"Hi, guys!" Georg's mother cheered as we got into the car. "Hello," Gustav spoke softly. "Our mom says hi, by the way," I said with a smile as she looked at me through the rearview mirror. "Well, make sure you tell her I said hi back."

The show wasn't too far away so it only took about ten minutes before we arrived. Georg's mother dropped us off by the front doors and waved goodbye to us as we walked up.

"Who did you say these people were?" I asked Georg who was on the left of me. "Their twin brothers from Leipzig," Georg started as he opened the door for me and Gustav. "Tom and Bill." I nodded as we made our way through the small crowd and up to the empty stage.

"Stay near me, please. If you get lost Mom and Dad will kill me." I said to Gustav who just rolled his eyes in response. Gustav stepped out in front of me to talk to Georg about something stupid probably. Someone walked out onto the stage to announce the performers who were about to play and we got closer to the left side of the stage.

The three of them watched as two similar yet different boys walked out on stage. The one that held a microphone had short black hair and the one that had a guitar had medium-length brown dreads.

"How old are they?" I asked Georg who took a second to answer. "Twelve, I think," Georg answered and I nodded with a smile. "They're so cute and tiny." Both Georg and Gustav laughed at my comment and the black hair boy began to speak.

"Hello, everyone," He started with a smile on his face. "My name is Bill and this is my twin brother, Tom." Bill pointed over to his brother who put his hand up and waved to her small crowd. As Tom continued to scan the crowd his gaze quickly locked on the three of us, mainly me.

Bill talked for a little bit longer and soon they began to start playing. I glanced over at Gustav who was drumming on his legs as he tapped his foot to the music which made me smile.

Halfway through the show I turned to Georg and nudged his arm. "They're actually really fucking good," I said with a smile and he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, they are." He said as he turned to me. I raised my eyebrow and he smiled. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked him and he nodded.

"What are we thinking?" Gustav jumped into the conversation and both Georg and I began laughing. Gustav just rolled his eyes and turned back to the stage to continue listening.

After the show was over the three of us went to the side of the stage to wait for the twins to start walking off. I smiled once I noticed them coming our way. "Hey, really good show, guys!" Georg said as they stepped off the stage. "Thank you," Bill said with a smile.

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