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Charlotte's POV

We took a break after our tour. Since the end of the break, we have been working on an English version of our album for our tour in America. We've been having a lot of fun recording for it and I am so excited for the release of it.

Georg was twenty and soon I would be too, woohoo! Gustav will be nineteen soon and the twins will be eighteen soon as well.

Nothing much has changed with our personal lives, except Georg now has a girlfriend, yay for him! Her name is Angelina.

"Earth to Charlotte." Tom waved his hands in front of my face to get my attention. "Do you want to learn or not? You have to stay focused." He said as he placed my fingers on the chords with his hand.

I finally got Tom to teach me how to play guitar, and seems like I fought tooth and nail to find time to do so. "Now strum." He instructed and I brought my right hand up which held the pick and strummed the guitar.

"I did it!" I nearly shouted from the excitement and Tom smiled. "Good job." He said as he leaned back into the couch.

"Hey, we're not finished. I booked you for the whole day." He laughed at my comment and licked his lips as he looked at me.

"Why are you looking at me like you want to eat me?" I said in a joking manner before I started laughing. "Maybe I do."

"I'm going to pretend like you didn't just say that," I said softly before setting the guitar down against the couch. "You know you can't do that." He said and I rolled my eyes before looking back over at him.

"Wanna bet?" I asked with an eyebrow raised as he licked his lips again and I began to feel butterflies in my stomach. "Yeah, I do." He said as he leaned in closer to me until our faces were a few inches apart.

"Play me something," I said with a smile as I tried to diffuse the obvious tension. "And not one of our songs." He shrugged his shoulders and grabbed the guitar. "I don't really have any other ones to play."

"You mean to tell me you've been playing guitar for ten years and don't have any music that you've written?" I raised an eyebrow again and he seemed to be hesitant.

"I do, but I've never really played them for anyone but Bill." I slightly frowned as I watched his eyes fall to fiddle with the pick in between his fingers.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," I said softly as I rested my hand on his knee. He looked up at me and I sent him a sincere smile. "You're so cute," He said and his eyes slightly widened.

"I'm sorry, that just kind of slipped," I started to laugh, but felt bad when I noticed his cheeks started to turn pink. "It's okay," I said to comfort him. "You're not too bad yourself."

"Please," He said in a cocky manner. "I am the sexiest man alive." I began laughing hysterically before putting my hand on my chest. "You're so funny, Tom," I said sarcastically and he playfully rolled his eyes.

I went to scoot down at the end of the couch so I could put my feet up but I ended up sitting on something hard. I reach underneath myself and pulled out Tom's phone.

As I went to hand it back to him I glanced at the message he got that was displayed on his lock screen. "Here," I said awkwardly as I handed him the phone. "You, uh, got a little picture mail there."

He pinched his eyebrows together as he took the phone from my hand and his eyes widened when he looked at it. "My bad," He said embarrassed. "No, you're good. I'd tap that too."

"Sometimes I forget you swing both ways." He said with a laugh. "Have you ever had sex with a girl?" My eyes widened at his question. Tom lacked a filter and it seems like he doesn't think about what he's doing to say before he says it. He's so real for that though.

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