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We were on our way to the venue that we were playing at to get a tour, rehearse, and do a meet and greet before the show starts. "That's my fucking sweatshirt!" Gustav yelled at me as he tugged at the sweatshirt I was wearing and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Give it," He put out his hand and moved his fingers towards him. I rolled my eyes and pulled it off my head and handed it to him, leaving me in my camisole. "Now, I'm gonna get cold. Thanks a lot." I said sarcastically as I crossed my arms.

"I brought an extra one if you want to wear it." Bill said will a smile and I smiled back at him. "Such a gentleman." I said as I turned to Gustav. "Isn't he?" I asked Gustav directly who just rolled his eyes in response.

We soon pulled up to the venue and we climbed out before looking at the outside of the building. "This place is huge." I said before feeling someone tap my shoulder and I turned to see Bill holding out his sweatshirt for me to take. I smiled as I took it from his hands and pulled it over my head. "Thank you," I said softly and he nodded.

"Hello, lady and gentlemen!" We all looked forward and saw a few men walking up to us. "I am Frank," The man in the middle pointed to himself. "This is Ryan and this is Kenny." He pointed on either side of him and the men waved to us.

"We're here to give you the tour of the venue and let you guys get situated before we start rehearsing." We all nodded in response. "Alright, let's go then!" Franks said as he clapped his hands together one time and turned around. We followed closely behind as he led us into the building.

"This is where your meet and greet will be," Frank said as he motioned to an empty table with five chairs and then to a back drop with one of our photos blown up on it. "After fans get their stuff signed by you guys they will form another line over there and wait until you guys are finished so everyone can get photos. Each fan gets ten seconds for a photo in order for us to stay on schedule."

We all shared a quick look with each other before looking up at him. "Ten seconds? That seems a little short, don't you think?" Bill asked. "Well there are a thousand fans you guys have to-"

"Thousand?" Bill nearly yelled in disbelief and Frank slowly nodded. "Yes, a thousand. That fills all the spots we were offering." Frank reiterated with a chuckle and we looked at each other again.

"If that many paid for the meet and greet then how many people are coming?" I asked in curiosity and Frank took a look at the clipboard in front of him. "Twenty-five thousand three hundred and seventeen." All of our jaws swung open and our eyes widened once we heard the number.

"What the fuck?" Bill whisper shouted in disbelief as that is the biggest audience we've ever had. "Moving along! We can't waste any time." We continued to follow Frank as he showed us to our dressing rooms and the areas where we could relax. "Food and drinks over there." Frank pointed at a table that was currently being set up and organized by a few workers.

We walked up a couple steps and before we knew it were looking out into a bunch of empty seats. "As you could tell, this is the stage!" Frank stepped in front of us and put his arms out to his sides. All of us looked around in complete shock. There were workers setting up our equipment.

"I usually stay on the left of Bill," I pointed out as I saw a worker setting my keyboard up to the right side of Bill's microphone and to the left of Tom's spot.

"Right, I wanted to talk to you about that," Our manager stepped forward and I pinched my eyebrows together. "We think it will flow much better this way." I cocked my head in confusion and our manager just stared at me like he was waiting for me to say 'what a great idea' or something.

I shrugged it off and rolled my eyes before walking over to Bill. "How do you feel about it?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders. "Just have to adapt, I guess."

Sweet - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now