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a/n: this entire chapter is smut so please skip if it makes you uncomfortable. by no means am i claiming to be good at writing smut lmao so be prepared to cringe, i tried though lol

Tom's POV

"Tom, wait," I dropped my hand to my side and turned around, hoping she changed her mind. She locked eyes with me with a small smile on her face and I watched as her hand snaked behind her. She unclasped her bra and it fell to the floor.

I looked back up to her and licked my lips as she walked up to me. "It's okay, Tommy," She said quietly as she put her hand up to the side of my neck and titled my head down to her.

Her voice was so soft but so seductive. She dropped her hand from my face and reached for my hands that were to my sides and pulled them towards her before placing them on her waist.

She leaned her head back slightly letting me know where she wanted me to be. "Tommy," She said through a moan as I brought my lips to her neck and I immediately smiled at her scent before picking her up.

I pulled my head back away from her neck and looked up at her. She looked so beautiful to me as her soft, dirty blonde hair fell around her face perfectly.

She smiled down at me and cupped my cheeks with both of her hands before bringing her lips close to mine to connect them again. I slowly made my way to the bed and laid her down gently without breaking the kiss.

Charlotte's lips were so soft and tasted like the cherry chapstick she always carried with her. It was so difficult to explain, but it felt like our lips were meant for each other as they moved in sync.

I felt her hands move to my shoulders and she gently pushed me away. I gave her a confused look and pulled back some more. I was worried I did something wrong or that I was moving too fast. The last thing I wanted to do was make her uncomfortable, this has always been so important for her.

"Is this too much?" I asked her quietly and she shook her head slowly before bringing herself into a seated position. I was standing at the edge of the bed looking down at her and my eyes scanned every inch of her exposed skin from her pierced belly button to her collarbones.

I was in awe of her and how beautiful she was. Never have I ever studied anyone else's body like I did with Charlotte. I was sure to take in every second of this moment.

She pulled me away from my thoughts when she reached for the waistline of my jeans and pulled me closer to the bed with it.

She fiddled with the button and zipper before undoing both and letting my jeans slide off. She tugged at my shirt to tell me to take it off and I did as told before tossing it on the bed behind her.

She looked back up at me with her eyelids low and her soft hands roamed from my waist up to my chest and to my shoulders before she used them to pull herself into a standing position, all without breaking eye contact.

Her eyes were much darker than they usually are and her pupils were slightly dilated. With her hands on my shoulders still, she turned me around so that my back was facing the bed and pushed my shoulders back to get me to lie down.

I did as so and lifted myself up to rest my weight on my elbows so I could see her. She slowly pulled down her own jeans and I bit my lip as I watched. I didn't want any of this to come to an end which is something I thought I'd never say about a girl.

With others, I was just worried about getting myself off and didn't care about how they felt during or afterward because it was on to the next the following night. Charlotte was too special to me, and even if I wanted to, I know I wouldn't be able to leave her alone.

Sweet - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now