This is a dream, right?

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I lay on my twin sized bed and stare up at the ceiling. My room is small. I just have to stretch both of my arms out to the side to touch my walls. I have a window, a closet filled with my school uniform and everyday clothes, and a bed with a giant stuffed panda and cat I use as pillows. That's it.

I don't have a desk like most students. I just use the kitchen table to study. We own a small T.V which we keep propped up on a stack of old books Papa doesn't read anymore in the corner of the dining room close to the window.

The dining room is also the living room and kitchen combined. There isn't a wall separating the kitchen from the dining room, the counters basically act as a divider, leaving enough space to walk in and out of . A big change from our old house out in the countryside by Papa's parents' house. It was a great place to live until Mama and Papa decided to stop accepting Grandpa Hercule's generosity. Wanting to be independent and live without assistance from either parents, Papa and Mama moved us into a small, affordable apartment in the city.

Living in an apartment doesn't seem to bother them like it bothers me.

My mind wanders to Trunks, back to the conversation we had earlier. I said some awful things, but I meant every word of it. I hate him! I purposefully chose a college on the other side of the world just to free myself from him. I can't wait to start my life as a college student and live in a dorm bigger than my room. In college there won't be a Trunks to ruin my life.

I snuggle against my huge stuffed cat, Wolf. He has big animated eyes and a large head with a tiny body and black stripes across his grey fur. He was actually a prize Trunks had won for me at a carnival when I was five.

"Why couldn't he have stayed nice forever?" I whisper into Wolf's fur. It hurts thinking that we used to be close friends, that now I just want to live my life without him in it. But for some reason, even though I meant every word, I regret saying those mean things to him.

"He deserved it." I tell myself so I can fall asleep.


The hot rays of the morning sun burns down on my face. I roll over and snuggle into the soft pillow under me. My normally thin blanket feels heavy over my body for some reason.

First, I have to eat breakfast, get dressed and go to my hair appointment. Then I'll stop by Bulma's house to see if she knows how to get the ink off my face. Then, Bulla and I will shop for dresses for the graduation party. After that. . .

The mattress dips, like someone has just sat on it. Is it Mama? I wonder what's wrong? I yawn and sit up. My eyes open and blurred images appear. I rub my eyes and open them again, focusing on the shapes around me.

Oh my god! I'm not in my bedroom.

Did I get drunk last night?

Where am I?

I shutter, realizing there's a person sitting on the other side of the large bed. Oh God, no. That hair! Those muscles! Please don't be him. Not him. Did we have sex?

I lift the blanket and peer down underneath. Phew. I'm not naked. Since when did I start wearing silk nightgowns? Is this another prank?

He must've felt me lifting the blankets because he turns and looks at me. Those blue eyes, the arched eyebrows. . .it's definitely him. My worst fears are confirmed. I spent the night somewhere with Trunks!

Trunks removes the red toothbrush from his mouth. White foam spills over his lips." What?"

My mouth lowers open wider.

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