A date, with who?

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An assortment of outfits protected by plastic takes up half my bed. A mountain of new shoes takes up the other half. With her shellac manicured index finger, Bulla orchestrates a little fashion show in my bedroom, using me as her model.

She waves her finger in a circle and I twirl. An undercurrent of wind lifts my dress slightly and my chunky black heels clonk against the floor. Mama applauds like she has with every outfit I've tried on. Bulla disapproves of the outfit with the flick of her finger. "Ugh, no. Next."

I go through this humiliating ordeal at least a dozen more times before something important occurs to me.

"Um, who exactly am I going on a date with?" I ask, stopping mid twirl. Whoever he is, I don't see the point in dressing up for him.

"Are you joking?" Bulla scoffs. She gives me the signal that the dress I've tried on isn't a winner.

Mama unzips me, and the dress swiftly falls off my body.

I cross my arms the way Papa does when he's struggling to figure out a difficult problem. Hmm, just who is my mysterious date? My eyes sparkle and I suck in a hopeful breath." Is it Uub?!" my future sexy doctor?

"Pan, stop it," Mama growls, using her you're being rude tone, which I haven't heard since I was, like, ten. She removes the plastic of the last outfit and hands it to me.

"I was just asking!" I cry out defensively. " It's my date. I should know who I'm going out with!"

"Huh, I didn't know so many boys asked you out on dates. Can't be bothered to remember ONE guy's name?" Bulla distastefully looks at me like I've been hiding juicy secrets from her.

"No...No one ever asks me out." I shift uncomfortably. I hate to admit it, but I'm as desirable as sugar-free cake. " I've been under a lot of stress lately, with the graduation and all...I guess I forgot."

Bulla gives me an odd look.

" Honey, your graduation was months ago, are you feeling alright?" Mama touches my forehead, checking for a fever.

For a flashback, this feels awfully real.

"I was only kidding. Of course I know who I'm going out with. I'm not that dumb." I hastily put on the last dress. It's a silky blue thing that hugs my chest and waist. There's more enthusiasm in my twirl, which is enough to convince Bulla and Mama that this dress is the one.


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