Dr. Uub

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The doctor comes into the room and shows us the results of my MRI scan. Trunks nods and looks at me to see if I can understand what the doctor is explaining. I don't understand a word of what he's saying, not because I'm dumb, but because I'm too surprised at who my doctor is.

"Uub?" I finally manage to say, cutting him off mid-sentence. He smiles, happy that I remember him. It's easy to remember his face. He has the same tan skin and black Mohawk he had the last time I saw him, which was when he went off to train with Grandpa Goku for a few years. "Wow. Has your wife ever told you look good in a white coat?"

Trunks gives me a sideways glance, not happy with my obvious flirting. I shrug innocently, It's not my fault Uub is hot.

Uub smiles shyly." Thank you Pan. But I'm not married."

I smile widely, before Trunks' deadly glare forces me to frown. Right. I'm married. Uub is off limits to me.

" I'm surprised to hear that." My smile creeps back into place, making it obvious I don't find the news of Uub being single upsetting at all. I reach out to touch the stethoscope draped around Uub's neck when Trunks spins Uub around in his chair to keep me from doing so. I let out an exasperated sigh, once again Trunks is ruining my life.

"If she didn't hit her head and isn't suffering from any brain tumors, then what is wrong with my wife?"

I begin to gag after Trunks refers to me as his wife. Ew, ew, ew! Why couldn't he have referred to me as his distant friend instead?

"Well. . ." Uub begins, scratching the tip of his nose thoughtfully." She seems to be showing symptoms of PTSD."

Seriously? I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? Pff. No way.

"Like I told you earlier, Doctor, nothing is wrong with me!" I shout." I'm not crazy and I don't have PT whatever! This is all some big ,stupid, lucid dream I'm stuck in."

Uub turns his head towards Trunks. " Anger and irritability are common symptoms."

Trunks smiles." No, she's always like that."

I grab a box filled with spandex gloves and blindly throw it at Trunks.

"Pan, you're not dreaming. You're just having very vivid flashbacks of your past." Uub says, with the sternness of a scolding grandparent.

Uub clears his throat." I'll prescribe some anti anxiety medication, which should help relieve some of the stress and keep the flashbacks at bay. In the meantime, I recommend going about your daily routines like you normally would . Maybe take a couple weeks off from work to clear your mind and relax."

"I don't have a job. Do I?" I ask, looking to Trunks for the answer.

Trunks gives a curt nod.

I roll my eyes." Wait, I have one question. What exactly is the cause of my PTSD?"

Uub exchanges a look with Trunks." Well, I'm assuming you must've endured a traumatic and stressful situation. Suppressing your memories is just your body's way of coping." Uub stands from his seat." As for what that traumatic situation is, I'll leave it for you to remember. When you do remember, I recommend you face your problem head-on, without fear. Excuse me." Uub walks past me and towards the door. I raise my eyebrows at Trunks, hoping he can explain what Uub had said in a way I could thoroughly understand, but Trunks turns away.

It's almost as if he's ashamed of something.

Fable passes by Uub, carrying a huge bag behind her. She slides the bag to Trunks' feet, spilling cans of pop, chips, and various other foods from the hospital's vending machines. " There, I bought out everything, now stop sending me on vending machine runs! I know Mommy can't be this hungry!"

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