Going Away Present

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With the push of a button Bulla encapsulates all the dresses, and they're no longer cluttering my bed. She does the same thing with the shoes. Mama excuses herself to finish a project she'd started in the kitchen, leaving us alone.

"You sure you don't want me to do your hair and makeup?" Bulla asks. She glances at her salmon pink watch. "I can probably squeeze in time to fix your nails, too."

"What's wrong with my nails?" I ask, knowing full well that I don't have nails. I chew mine off, which really gets under Bulla's skin.

She rolls her eyes." At least brush your hair and put on some lipstick before going out. Capsule Corp has an image to protect you know."

My eyebrows pinch together and an uncomfortable feeling settles into my stomach. Since when does Capsule Corp's image have anything to do with me?

Bulla kneels, reaches under my bed, and pulls out a box she's hidden that can only contain a pair of shoes ( There's no chance she would ever let me wear my worn out everyday shoes on my first date). The box is wrapped in high quality wrapping paper, tied expertly with a silver ribbon.

"What's this ?" Did I forget my birthday?

"It's your going away present!" Bulla squeals. She smiles and jumps like an excited little girl." I know we're going to be roommates and I don't have to get you a present, but I'm your best friend...this is your first date. . . and what kind of friend would I be if I didn't help a little?"

I try to match Bulla's excitement, but I have no clue what's going on.

Where are Bulla and I 'going away' to?

"Wish I could stay but I have to go home and finish packing. Tell me all the details about the date tomorrow." She opens my window, then turns to wink at me." Be nice to my brother. He's been looking forward to this date for a long time." She flies out my window, then blasts off at full speed once she's above the apartment complex.

My hands go numb and the box falls to the floor.

My first date is with Trunks.

After lying to me about Fable being my kid, he's the LAST person I want to see, let alone go on a date with.

"Ugh, why does it have to be him!"

. + . + . + . + .

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