Cute Over Sexy

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When it comes to underwear, I always choose cute over sexy. Sexy just isn't me. Well, I can't wear sexy bras and panties anymore, not since that incident at school...

One day Trunks and I bumped into each other at the mall. I dropped my shopping bags and out spilled my lacey panties and push-up bras. To my horror, Trunks bent down and examined one of the panties, holding them up in the air so anyone walking by or sitting on a bench nearby could see.

My face turned red as a tomato. I swear steam came out of my ears when a group of boys- - all from my school- - walked by and whistled, yelling out cat calls. I tried snatching the panties away from him but he moved quickly. "Come on Trunks, give it back!"

I reached for the panties, which he tossed in his other hand, but he pulled them away from me at the last second, clearly finding his perverted game of keep away fun. I was only becoming angrier as the game continued and he knew it. The game is only fun for him if I get mad.

Finally, he stuffed the panties down the front of his pants, leaving a tiny bit of material for me to grab.

He grinned

I whacked my bag into the side of his face and yelled." Go ahead and keep them! Consider it a Christmas present you creep!"

He didn't keep them. The next day he met me on my walk to school. I tried to ignore him, which didn't work out since he latched on to the hood of my hoodie, almost strangling me in the process.

He stuffed the panties into my hand." Here. They're not my size."

I immediately dropped the underwear." Ew! Gross! That is sick!"

He smiled, patting me- - hard- - on the back. I narrowed my eyes." You better not have stuck another 'kick me' sign on my back."

"Haha. I'd never do that."

"You did it last week!"

"Can you prove it?"

"I know it was you!" I accused, kicking the panties in the snow by my feet. " Stupid classmates. I can't believe they actually kicked me all day!"

"I can't believe you didn't know until after the day ended." Trunks remarked. He waved and smiled politely, which caught me off guard." Well, I better get going. Have a nice day Pan."

"Uh. . . are you feeling okay?"

He chuckled.

It was a nice day, at first. Everyone I passed and greeted smiled and said hello to me. I sat at the desk in the front row during first period(Self Study) and didn't think anything was strange. Everyone is normally loud and giggly during self study. Second period, English, wasn't as loud as first period, but everyone snickered and giggled. Third period. Math. The snickering didn't stop, even the teacher was in on the joke everyone had left me out of.

"What's so funny?" I asked the boy sitting next to me, who was my crush and the hottest boy in school, Erik.

Erik's face was red from laughing so much, there were even tears streaming down his face. He reached behind me and pulled out something that was hidden in the hood of my hoodie. At first I thought it was snow but gasped when Erik stretched out the huge white thong. That thing was big enough to fit Majin Buu's fat ass!

"Those. Are. Not. Mine."

The teacher doubled over in laughter and so did the entire class.

"They're not mine!" I cried, snatching the thong out of Erik's hands. A small card fell from the thong. I bent down and picked it up, crumpling the card after I read what it said:

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