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Chapter 17

Trunks is going to kill Leo. I can see it in his eyes. He'll never admit it to himself, but he's more like his dad than he thinks. It's not Leo's fault I got blackout drunk and went to bed with him. He doesn't deserve to die for this.

"Run," I hiss as Trunks gets closer.

Leo chuckles, finally noticing Trunks." Is that your boyfriend?" Leo stuffs his hands into his pockets with a smile on his face. He has no intention of fighting Trunks. I can't help but wonder how many women he's slept with whose boyfriends paid him a visit. Did he simply pay or talk his way out of getting beaten? Maybe he's used to it.

There's simply no time to reason with Leo, but I get it. How seriously can he take Trunks when he's still dressed as a prince from last night's party? By the time he realizes that Trunks is so much more than a pretty face it'll be too late.

"Trunks, stop," I growl, stepping in front of Leo, blocking him from Trunks.

Trunks doesn't take his eyes off Leo. I'm too short to block their view of each other.

I reach my hands out, and Trunks pauses as my hands make contact with his chest. He's not barbaric enough to push me out of the way, although it would be so easy for him to do.

Trunks heavily exhales through his nose." Did you fuck him?"

My face goes red." What?"

"Did. You. Fuck. Him?" Trunks slowly repeats, glowering down at me, forgetting all about Leo for a moment.

Under normal circumstances I would've blown up at Trunks. I mean, I never agreed to be his girlfriend! What right does he think he has to ask me such a personal question, and in front of a growing crowd? Yes, despite what's happening, I'm aware of all the college students paying attention us, their phones recording everything in case Trunks manages to get to Leo.

My anger dissipates as I catch the flicker of hurt behind Trunks' eyes. I'm the last person he ever expected this from. If I say no, he'll know I'm lying. If I say yes, he'll use that as an excuse to go after Leo.

"I'm sorry," I say, and I mean it. He had expectations from me and I let him down, just like I let myself down.

I step out from between Trunks and Leo, and the crowd that had gathered around us parts enough to let me through. Maybe it's the hangover talking, but if Trunks wants to beat Leo up to feel better, then fine. I can always wish him back to life with the dragonballs.

Two college girls are just leaving the shower building when I step inside.

The room is steamy. I walk to the far side of the room, choosing the last shower stall on the left. All the stalls have curtains for privacy, a small bench, and hooks to hang your clothes and towels.

I forgot to steal a towel before leaving Leo's room. Oops. I guess I'll have to air dry when I fly to meet Bulla. I discard my dress and underwear on one of the hooks, then walk around the half wall to the shower.

Hot water rains against the bare skin of my entire body, and steam soon rises from the stall. It feels so wonderful that I just simply stand beneath the shower head, eyes closed, mind clear of everything else except the soothing sensation of the water.

There's a soap dispenser hanging on the wall beneath the shower head. I pump out some of its purple gel, generously lathering the soap on my inner thighs and between my legs. It's a cheap brand of soap that will leave my skin feeling dry, but I'm in no position to be picky. I pump out more of the soap. Every inch of my hair and skin, except for the bottoms of my feet, gets covered in the soap's foam. Not a single trace of Leo's smell, touch, or anything else will be left behind on my body.

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