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My hip accidentally crashes into the console table beside the front door, and I reach out to catch the fragile picture frame one second too late. It hits the floor. The wooden frame and glass splits, obscuring the picture inside.

"Are you okay?" Trunks asks.

I jerk my elbow back, sensing his intent to steady me and guide me safely to a chair where I'll have no choice but to sit and listen to his lies. I've had enough of his lies!

"Don't touch me," I snarl.

Glass crunches under my slippers, and I accidentally knock over a house plant before falling onto the floor. Trunks is beside me in a flash, desperate to help me, but again I push him away. He runs his hand through his long bangs, and I catch a glimpse of the crease lines in his forehead. He has no idea how to make things right between us.

Fable isn't my daughter. Trunks and Valese are her parents, so what happened to Goten? Wasn't he deeply in love with Valese, and wasn't Trunks supposedly in love with me? WHAT HAPPENED?

"I can't remember anything," I whimper, pressing my hands into my head to try and soothe my painful migraine.

"It's fine, Pan. You'll remember soon. Don't force it."

"No. I need to remember everything now!"

"I'll tell you everything you want to know," Trunks offers.

Yeah, right. I'm not trusting you again. I groan and writhe on the floor, enduring the worst migraine of my life as I try to remember everything I've forgotten in these past 5 years.

I sense Trunks rush out of the room, probably to call the doctor or to get some potent medicine to knock me out of my misery. Whichever it is, I never find out.

The carpet changes into a hard, cold floor, and my migraine vanishes, replaced by a nausea that I know I've only ever wanted to experience once in my life, but I guess now I'll have to go through it twice.

"It's happening again," I whisper, opening my eyes to my mom and Bulla's voices.

It's a memory no girl can forget.

I'm about to go on my first date, and Mom and Bulla can't wait to dress me up.

. + . + . + + .

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