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The party feels more like a theme park then an actual party. My outfit causes a few eyebrows to rise, but everyone's too focused on having fun to pay much attention to me. A horde of princesses clutching their princes race by, eager to be next in line for the Ferris wheel. Pop music blares from the speakers from the food vendors' stands and the dance floor. Mothers dressed as wicked step mothers or witches crowd around the food stands, joined by their husbands and small children.

Everyone is having fun. I guess I should try to have fun too.

A short security guard standing beside a taco stand suddenly catches my attention.


Krillin turns his head. He sees me, smiles, and waves back. My heels clop against the pathway as I close the distance between us.

"Hi, Pan. Look at you! look so, um, grown up." Krillin's face turns an intense shade of pink. My fingernails dig into my palms as I resist the urge to cover my cleavage. Yelling at Bulla won't be enough to satisfy me the next time I see her! Krillin scratches the back of his head and focuses on one of the food stands to my right." How've you been? How's Gohan and Videl doing?"

"We've been fine. My parents are here somewhere, actually. I'll tell them you said hello." Looking down at Krillin, I can't help but wonder how I was able to spot him at all. The top of his bushy grey hair barely rises above my waist. It's hard to believe that there was once a time when I stood at the same height as him." Someone told me that Grandpa Goku was coming to the party. I'd like to talk to him before I leave tomorrow. Have you seen him?"

"No. Sorry, Pan. I haven't seen Goku in months. Have you tried checking the BBQ buffet? I'll bet my money that's where he is." He stands on his toes and focuses his attention at something past my shoulder. He cups one hand over his mouth and waves with the other. " Hey I'm over here! No, not there! I'm by the taco stand. Just follow the sound of my voice! Yes, that's it! You're getting closer!"

I glance behind me. My eyes instantly lock in on Eighteen and Marron navigating through the crowd. They're carrying desserts and fried foods in small red baskets. The edge of Eighteen's mouth curls up slightly once she sees me. It's the closest she'll ever get to showing her delight.

"Babe, look who it is," Krillin beams, puffing up his chest like a proud parent. Our families are so close I'd be lying if I said Krillin didn't have a hand in raising me." She's trying to find Goku. Have you seen him?"

"No, I haven't." Eighteen hands her husband one of the red baskets. He thanks her and begins shoving handfuls of fries into his mouth. Eighteen takes a second to take in my appearance." It's been a long time, Pan. My, you've grown so much since I last saw you. I'm sorry we couldn't make it to your graduation, one of my favorite stores was going out of business and I needed to be there to buy everything. You understand."

"Right, no, I totally understand. The graduation ceremony was so boring I don't remember a thing about that day. I'm just sorry I haven't visited you guys more often. It's really been too long," I laugh.

Marron offers me a red basket and we find a picnic table to sit at together. Krillin mentions breaking up a love triangle as we eat, disgust in his voice. "Two best friends were ready to kill each other over one girl, and she wasn't even that pretty! If that's all it takes to break a friendship, then those guys weren't truly friends to begin with." Krillin then takes the time to fill me in on everything that's happened in their lives, and the lives of Yamcha, Tien, Pervert Roshi, and the rest. Eighteen tunes him out to focus on picking at the food in her basket while I politely listen. Once he finishes, Marron questions me about my outfit. Most importantly, she wants to know where I bought it.

"You'll have to ask Bulla. I don't remember where I bought this dress," I tell her.

Marron sighs. Her dreams of owning the same dress as me are destroyed.

Krillin sighs, relieved his daughter won't be dressing like a sex worker anytime soon.

I'm in the middle of talking about how well my parents are doing at their jobs ( Papa even got a promotion) when I notice the smallest change in Marron's face. Her green eyes light up, and she bites her bottom lip as if holding back a laugh.

Curious at this sudden change, I follow her gaze. It's nightfall. Bright yellow string lights decorate every tree along the pathways to help light them. Solar lights in the ground are on, and more couples have settled onto the dancefloor where a live band is performing. At the end of Marron's gaze is an empty, grassy hill. I see nothing out of the ordinary.

"Someone has a stalker," She sings, her voice all knowing.

She refuses to tell me who my stalker is.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Krillin tosses his empty red food basket into the trash and leaves the picnic table to resume his security guard duties. Marron's date for the evening shows up soon after wearing a green frog suit. She introduces us. Eighteen slips away without a word as we make small talk, maybe she'd only shown up to the party to keep her daughter company in the first place. Marron invites me to join them on the dance floor. Third wheeling on Marron's date doesn't sound like much fun to me, so I decline her invitation.

"If you see my Grandpa Goku, tell him I'm looking for him."

"I will. It was great seeing you Pan. Don't have too much fun at college! That's how I got kicked out. Partied every night and got too hungover to go to the lectures and my grades slipped. I was the beer pong queen." Eighteen and Krillin had never pushed Marron to succeed academically, so she shows no embarrassment for failing. I envy her. My grandma would probably disown me if I ever failed college, so failing or not going to college isn't an option for me.

My eyes follow Marron as she walks over to a throwing darts game, her finger pointing to a large pink bear wearing a crown. Her frog prince nods and stretches his left arm in wide circles. He'll win her that pink bear not matter what it takes.

Slowly, I head towards the nearest buffet, which only serves sushi. I glance through the door, not stopping to go inside. Gramps isn't there. Of course not. There's not enough sushi in the world to possibly sate his appetite. His stomach requires fish no smaller than a great white shark!

I let out an exasperated sigh." It'll take me all night to search every buffet on the island. Oh, well. I guess I can wait four years until after I graduate college to give grandpa Goku a hug. He probably won't even realize I'm gone."

Halfway down the lonely path I'm walking on, something catches my eye and makes me do a double take. My smile flashes almost as brightly as the neon martini sign. Most of the people from my high school are on the dance floor, and parents with their small kids are on the more kid-friendly side of the island. Most importantly, MY parents aren't anywhere in sight.

I run as quickly as my high heeled shoes will allow, and plop down on the nearest empty bar stool. The bartender, a handsome man in his twenties, puts his phone down and asks me with a flirty smile," What can I get for you?"


I wish I could say my going away party was something I'd never forget. I wish I had seen Bulla's grand entrance in her expensive dress, and I wish I had danced with my father, or taken pictures with my friends, or tried out more delicious foods, or even sought out Trunks to find out what was so important he needed to tell me at midnight.

But, no.

I had to get blackout drunk and wake up in a stranger's bed.

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