A Deadly Surprise/Intervention Part 2

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Blackness. Nothingness. It was all that she could see. Whether she was in a room twenty feet wide or two feet wide, it didn't matter. Chains rubbed against her wrist and ankles, tugging on them was fruitless. Sweat trickled down her face. She tilted her head to the side moving her hair off of her neck. The heat was almost unbearable. She couldn't remember much. She had no idea how she got here. What she could remember was not of much use.

Her name is Isabelle. She is nineteen. She is a shadowhunter, but she can't recall what that name stands for. What does it mean? It is important, she knew that much. She also knew that something was off. She felt barren despite being fully clothed. It was like someone took all the light that was inside of her and replaced it with darkness. She could hear sounds coming from all different directions, but she could place what or who they belonged to.

A screech sound sounded echoing through the small confined space. She dimly placed that sound with a heavy door opening. Footsteps patted on the floor. Bright lights flooded the room, temporarily blinding Isabelle.

A smooth voice spoke to her, "You are very difficult to break, did you know that? Probably not. You are probably wondering who you really are and why you're here. It's a shame that you might not ever know those answers."

Isabelle glared at him, as she struggled to free herself of the chains. She felt exhausted, but she knew he was trouble. She ignored his jabs, "Who are you? What do you want?" Her voice sounded strong and lacked fear. That was the complete opposite of how she felt.

"See?" The older boy said, running a hand through his white hair. He gave a chuckle, Isabelle couldn't tell what he was laughing about, nor if he was being serious. His lack of seriousness scared her. This guy was literally insane. "She's so tough, or at least she acts so tough. It'll be fun trying to break you. But since I need you alive. This condition won't work." He turned and walked away, snapping his fingers. The restraint against her ankles and wrist loosened. Isabelle almost fell face first on the the ground, she glared up at the boy who was still walking away.

"Follow me."


Clary's scream caused me to turn around. She was surrounded completely by Sebastian's army. I glared at him. He shrugged. "I told you, this isn't how civil people who want something act, brother."

"So you expect me to what? Bow to you and confess my undying appreciation for you? Not happening. I'd much rather eat Isabelle's cooking." I spat at him.

Sebastian nodded his head, "Well, I suppose that was an insult, rather than a compliment. I expect you to listen. I know you come baring questions, but how do you expect to get answers if you aren't going to give me a fair chance?"

I balled my fingers into fist. I didn't want to play his stupid little games, I wanted Isabelle back. Alec would kill me if he knew that the one time he leaves to go with Magnus on some fancy cruise and leaves me in charge I loose his sister to Clary's psychotic brother.

"I would like to know where Isabelle is, brother." I spoke to the infuriating boy in front of me. I put emphasis on the words would and brother. Sebastian smiled creepily. I guess it would have been a normal smile for him, but to everyone else it was a creepy, sinister smile.

He walked around me, but I kept my eyes on him, "Well, I'm glad you asked so nicely brother. Sadly I cannot disclose her location. . ." I almost lunge at him. "Yet. You see I need something from you first."

I took a deep breath and looked behind me to Clary who was still surrounded, they weren't attacking, but that didn't mean that they won't. I knew Clary could take a lot of them on her own, but there was too many of them near her. It set me on edge. If I play my cards right I can get Sebastian to give us the location of where Isabelle is and make sure that Clary does not get hurt.

"What do you need Sebastian?" I asked. Annoyance was evident in my voice, it was completely impossible for me not to be annoyed with the white haired jerk.

"I need, two things from you two. First, I need you to get me the Delphian silver anklet. Second I need the Delphian silver Khopesh."

"Why do you need those artifacts, Sebastian?" I asked him, "And what makes you think we can get them?"

"Oh," He laughed, "I know you can't get them brother, but my sister can. Can't you Clary?"

I turned around to Clary, who eyes were wide with confusion. "What, I don't understand what you're talking about Sebastian." She responded to him. Letting her guard down slightly.

Sebastian grinned and said, "Why don't you ask mother. Now I want these two objects in my hands in exactly five day, and you will get back your lovely sister."

With that Sebastian snapped his figures and disappeared in a cloud of smoke along with his army. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Okay so if we work fast we can find these artifacts and get Isabelle back before anyone knows. That way we can still live to see the rest of our lives."

"Jace, we have no idea where or what these artifacts are. Much less what they are capable of." Clary spoke. Tilting her head sideways, trying to think. "John-Sebastian wants me to find the artifact, he said it like they had something to do with our ancestors. He also said that I should ask mom about it. We should head back and tell Simon."

Right, I forgot about him. Lover boy was currently tied up in my bedroom. We had to stop him from coming some how.

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