Deadly Surprise/Intervention Part 3

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Isabelle was getting tired of waking up in strange places with strange people. First it was the cell and now it's a bedroom. This one was pink and white. She placed a hand to her head. It was throbbing. A boy sitting near her bed jumped up when she pulled herself to sit up straight.

"Isabelle! You're awake, we were so worried about you." The boy rambled. He had a graphic tee on with a saying Isabelle couldn't read. She blinked a few times trying to see if it was just because of the drug wearing off, but nothing changed. It took her a few minutes to figure out that the boy was talking to her.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Isabelle questioned him.

He ran his left hand through his brown hair and sighed. "I'm Simon. Simon Nightshade. Come on Izzy you have to remember me."

Isabelle gave him a blank stare. No recollection entered her brain about a boy named Simon. Actually nothing entered her brain. "I'm sorry," she told him. "I don't remember anything. Could you get me some water? I'm really thirsty."

Simon clenched his teeth together, before nodding his head. Stopping at the door, he looks at her. "Don't leave."

She doesn't respond, but she doesn't move either. Weeks pass and Simon and Jace are no closer to finding a way to retrieve her memories. She learns of her past from her brother Alec and from her friend Clary. Jace and Simon are the two most constants. Isabelle can see the anger and hurt in Alec's eyes every time he has to explain something to her because it holds no emotion, no memory for her.

Five months passed and Isabelle is staring at the moon. Her balcony was her way of escaping. The wind blows her dark hair into her face. She doesn't lift her hands to move it out of the way. The image of the bright moon is imprinted in her memory. Like all the stories she's been told, the wind tries to blow her hair away.

"You're going to catch a cold out here." Simon says. Isabelle turns to look at his tall figure lean up against the wooden frame of the door that lead to her room. She smiles at the boy. She's grown to like him in the past few months. It was hard not to when the said person rarely left her side.

"I'm just thinking." Isabelle moves her hair out of her face and looks back up to the moon. "I think I'm hurting them more by staying here. I think I should leave." She paused to see if Simon wants to say anything. When he doesn't she continues, her voice a whisper. "I want you to come with me."

Arms wrap around her waist. Simon places he head on her shoulder. "I would follow you to the end of the earth Izzy. Forever and Always. When do we leave?"


This is the end of this segment. From now on it is hopefully going to be monthly updates. Expect andupdate later tonight. Hope you are all having a great week.

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