Safe and Sound

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Safe and Sound

AU: Isabelle is stuck with mortal Simon in a small apartment during a thunderstorm.

To say that Isabelle hated the thunder was an understatement. She was terrified. For years she would hide herself in her room under her covers. Now, she was stuck in a one-room apartment with none other than Simon. She can't run, nor can she hide. He would just find her. In fact there was nowhere to hide. Isabelle has been looking since the weather announced there was going to be a thunderstorm. The tall girl stole a glance at the other boy, he was in the corner of the room, where the kitchen was, making dinner. Good, he wasn't watching her. Maybe she could just leave. No, she can't, she was supposed to be watching him. Clary and Alec would get mad at her for abandoning her job. Isabelle attempted to busy herself by fixing the bed. The small task did nothing to calm her nerves.

She could feel the storm coming. It was making her jittery. She needed to hide. Somewhere. Anywhere. Isabelle felt like crying, because there was nowhere to hide, because she felt so stupid to be scared of the thunder. She kills demons for a living. Why would thunder scare her?! She doesn't understand why, Isabelle just knows that it does. She sighs in defeat. Apparently she sighed too loudly, which caused Simon to stop what he was doing and ask her if there was anything she needed.

"N-no. I'm, I'm fine.Thanks." Isabelle stuttered. Simon studied her for a bit, and she avoided his eyes. Eventually Simon turned back to the stove. Isabelle plopped down onto the bed. She was tired, but she didn't want to risk falling asleep before the storm. The thunder would just wake her up with a heart attack. She sat up and grabbed a book off the shelf near the bed. They were in a one room apartment, Isabelle could see every part of the room from the bed. The bedroom led into the kitchen which was adjacent to the living room. There was only one small hallway that lead to the door and to the bathroom.

The bathroom. If push comes to shove, Isabelle could hide in there. That sounded pathetic, even in her own head. She shook her head to try and get rid of the thought. Focusing on the book in front of her. Slowly the words she was reading started to make sense and the smell of a delicious dinner filtered through the room. Simon tapped her foot, nearly causing her to kick him in the face.

"Dinner is ready." He told her with a warm smile.

Isabelle nodded to Simon in response. Taking a deep breath she followed the tall boy to the tiny kitchen. There were two plates filled with pasta and two glasses of water on the small round table.

"Thanks for making dinner." Isabelle told him, forcing her nerves to calm down so she wouldn't throw up the food she was about to ingest.

"Nah, it's the least I can do for my, uh guest." Simon said scratching the back of his head, unsure of how to refer to the situation in front of them.

Isabelle smiled at his awkwardness, "You really didn't have to make dinner, I could have grabbed something on my way here. And um, sorry about all of this. It must be frustrating and annoying." she apologized belatedly.

Simon frowned at his pasta. Isabelle started eating while Simon thought of how to respond to her statement. She figured that Simon must be annoyed a little bit under his happy, go-lucky appearance.

"It's not that I don't find it annoying, because it isn't all of the time, just some of the times. Um, I don't mind it's for a few hours, but sometimes a week is really pushing it. I suppose that I shouldn't complain. You guys are doing your best to protect me. So, yeah. Uh how do you like the pasta?" Simon changes the conversation flow as if he didn't unleash a miniature rant onto her.

"The pasta is really good. I didn't know you were such a good cook." Isabelle chooses not to comment on Simon's response to the situation.

Yes, she was here to guard him, but this has been going on for a long time. Three months is really pushing it. Isabelle's eyes flickered over to study his composure more intensely. He has bags under his eyes, probably from dealing with all of this Shadowhunter stuff, because he was indirectly thrown into it due to his friendship with Clary. Jace and Alec had taken turns on babysitting, as they referred to it, Simon during the first three months, while Isabelle and another group of Shadowhunters worked on tracking down the people responsible for causing Simon trouble.

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