emerald love (ein X aaron)

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Eins pov:
fuck... why did Aaron have to have me cornered I looked at his fire red eyes and then he growled "it's over EIN" I smirked and snarled "yes this ends now" immediately throwing a forever potion at him he fell to the ground and tryed to resist I laughed and said "oh Aaron just give it up you can't fight back" then he stopped and looked back up at me with emerald green eyes.

I walked over to him and lifted his chin up a bit more and bent down and kissed him he had no rejections then we both stood up and I explained "all this time I've wanted you Aaron I never loved aphmau she was a mer pawn just to get to you but now I don't need her because I've got you now" Just after I took his hand and led us back to the cabin.

Once we walked through the door I turned to him and commanded "go upstairs to our room and get ready" When I saw him walk inside our room I thought "this is perfect absolutely perfect now I'm the leader of all the werewolfs" I took off my shirt and went inside the room seeing him shirtless I smiled and sat on his lap and put both of my hand on his chest and pushed my lips against his and bit his bottom lip gently requesting enterance he opened his mouth wide enough so that I could put my tongue inside as I did he did the same when we pulled away we were panting then I undid his zipper of his trousers and smiled then Aaron unddo my zipper and took off my trousers and I did the same then I took off his boxers to reveal his 9 inch member I blushed hard and took off my boxers to reveal my 8 inch member I went to a dog-like potion and said " fuck me"

Noone's pov

Aaron slowly put his member into eins ass and let him ajust to his size a few minutes later EIN commanded "start moving" Aaron slowly pushed in and out "mmmm babe~ your so big" EIN moaned Aaron started going faster and as he did eins moans grew louder Aaron put his hands on his neck and started choking him "FUCK YEAH~" ein screamed he loved someone being rough with him like this especially in bed as they both drew close to climaxing ein's moans grew louder and Aaron's thrusts went slower and deeper the room was filled with eins moans and Aaron's grunts eventually Aaron cummed inside eins asshole and ein cummed on the bed Aaron pulled out of EIN cum leaking from Aaron's member after Aaron cleaned up he pulled the covers over him and his new lover ein kissed Aaron on the cheek and fell asleep soon after Aaron did to

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