I want you zane~ (zane-chan)

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I LOVE THIS SHIP FIRST OF ALL ITS ONE OF MY MANY OPT'S!! and also I would love to thank einXpierceShippee123 for suggesting this!!!

Kawaii-chan's pov:

Me and Zane have been dating for more than 2 years now and we have always takes about having kids one day and I really want today to be that day so I got into my nice pink dress

Me and Zane have been dating for more than 2 years now and we have always takes about having kids one day and I really want today to be that day so I got into my nice pink dress

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And went downstairs to see Zane at the table eating "Morning honey" I smiled kissing his forehead "Morning sweetheart wow... you look stunning" I blushed at his compilent and thanked him and sat down to eat "Hey kc?" he asked "mm?" I tilted my head confused he looked kinda flustered "You know the talk about us having kids??" he asked I nodded he came over to me and lifted me up and sat down and made me face him "well I've been thinking about it and well..." I was so nervous for his answer "I'd absolutely love to have kids with you.." my eyes shined with excitement.

Zane's pov:

She was so happy it's so cute "Can we do it now or do you want to do this later?" she asked I smiled then I heard my phone ring "Hold on after this call alright honey get ready in the room I promise it won't take long!" she nodded and ran upstairs.

A: Aphmau
Z: Zane

A: Hey bestie!!! I'm just about to leave the house to meet at the park! so exited!

Z: Oh hey bestie can meet this afternoon I'm sorry. I'm kinda busy and was about to do something super important.

A: ohhh I remember kc texting me something about asking you if you decided if you wanted to have kids or not *chuckles slightly* sooo I'm guessing you said yes~

Z: *blushes slightly* well I don't have to tell you then so is it ok if we meet up later?

A: OFC! GO GET HER and tell me how it went~ ok bestie!

Z: *blushes more* ok well I'll see you later at around I'll say 3:30 pm is that ok?

A: That's fine and also-

Aa: *in background: APHMAU!!!! IM GOING SHOPPING BYE!"

A: Bye honey! sorry that was Aaron anyways do you mind if I bring some cupcakes?

Z: that's ok and YES PLEASE!

A: Okay see you at 3:30 pm bye bestie have fun~

Z: bye aph!

*Call ended*

Kawaii-chan's pov:

I heard the bedroom door open I was in my pink panties and bra he took off his shirt to reveal his 6 pack "dam~ you've been working out haven't you zane~" I flirted "haha yeah" he then took of his shorts and came over to me and took off my bra and sucked on one of my breasts and massaged the other "ahhhh~ that's good babe" I moaned and rubbed his head "ngh~" he stopped and did the same but on the other side after he finished that he took off his boxers "Wow... I'm just going to guess but I would say... 10 inches?" he nodded and I blushed .

He took off my panties and put his finger in my pussy "Z-zane OWCH!" I cried he kissed me and slowly moved his finger in and out after a while I felt pleasure "ahhh~ faster" he took his finger out and put his tongue in "AHHH~" I moaned as my tail was going side to side quite fastly he grabbed my tail and I threw my head back "AHHHH~" I moaned then he got up and laid me down leg spread wide open "okay this might hurt just tell me okay kc but I prepared so I shouldn't" I nodded and remembered I had lube in the side table "WAIT!" I told him "what's wrong?" he asked "I have lube!" I told him as I reached out to the drawer and grabbed the lube and gave it to him. "Thanks babe!" he smiled and kissed me.

After he put the lube on my pussy and his dick he pushed in "ahhh~" I moaned as he slid in he started off slow but gradually over time he went faster until he was at his max speed "AHHHHHH T-THATS G-GOOD!" I moaned he grabbed the good spot on my tail and after hit my other good spot "AHHHH AH AHHH OHHH FUCK!" I moaned and threw my head back becoming a moaning mess and stuck my tongue out "awhh my lil kitty is a cute lil moaning mess under m- AHHH FUCK!" he moaned I meowed in pleasure as he petting my ears "B-BABE IM GOING TO C-CUM AHH" he moaned I tightened his dick as I also was also near my limit "M-ME TO CUM IN ME!" I moaned after 2 mintues I cummed on his dick and he cummed inside of me filling me up "ahhhh~" we both moaned I yawned and went to the bathroom and took a pregnancy test. "EEEEKKKK *gasps* ZANEEEEE!" I yelled and threw my arms around his "IM PREGNANT!" I screamed he started crying "k-kc I'm s-so happy" he sobbed I kissed his tears away "oh yeah it's 2:40 pm babe don't you have to meet aphmau at 3:30 pm at the park?" I asked him "OH SHIT! thanks for reminding me honey okay you rest and I'll be back afterwards I love you" as he said that he tucked me in and kissed my forehead and I drifted off to sleep.

I hope you enjoyed this story!!

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