Your my emo boy~ (gene X Zane)

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First of all so sorry for not posting in a while I'm just super busy and enjoying my summer holidays but I've finally got time yay! second of all thank you so much to YallImALesbean for suggesting this anyways hope you enjoy this!

Gene's pov:

I was walking until I saw Zane I have to admit I've liked him for a long time I just make fun of him because I don't want him to find out as I went to my locker my brother Dante comes up to me "hello bro have you told him yet?" I turned to him and whispered "please don't call me that but I'm gonna tell him today alright" he smiled and patted my back "Ya got this gene! go get your man!" I chuckled and hugged him quickly "thanks Dante wish me luck!" Just at that moment the bell rang.

After school (I'm to lazy alright)

I saw Zane and I pulled him away "hello emo boy" I laughed "g-gene! is there something you want?" he asked me I have to do this now! "Yes and that's you..." I muttered loud enough for him to heard "h-h-huh!? g-gene!?" he stammered oh my irene he's so cute! "I'm saying I like you...." I confessed "me to gene I just didn't want to tell you because I was so scared that you would make fun of me even more" I smiled and the pain in my chest went away "I'm so happy that you do but I kinda feel horny~" I smirked kissing him.

When we pull away we were only in our boxers "g-gene are y-you sure" I pushed him more against the wall "DID I STUTTER!" I yelled "N-NO!" he yelled back "good then do you want me to fuck you up the ass or suck your cock first" he went flustered "J-JUST get to the point" I beamed up with happyness "good cause I wanted to get straight to the point my little emo boy your my emo boy only mine..." I growled he smiled and pushed down mine and his boxers "please just me careful... I'm a virgin" He warned "I don't think I know what gentle is zuzu~" I chuckled he went flustered and turned around "please just be careful gene....." "I'll try"

"NGH~ MOREEEE" I'm currently fucking Zane up his pretty lil ass and I know he's enjoying it even though there are tears in his eyes I smirked and hit his spot "AHHHH~" he became a moaning mess I chuckled and went faster and harder "I-IM C-CLOSE!!!!" he managed to moan out I grunted " m-me to" after a few more thrusts I cummed into his ass and he cummed on the floor "a-are w-we done a-already~" Zane asked I smirked and went down and asked "who said that I think we just started~" he smiled we could both tell were lost on lust and wanted more I started sucking his 7 inch cock he moaned my name " moan my name again" I said before returning to suck him he did as I asked him I didn't want this to end.

After he cummed for a 3rd time I stood up and pushed him down towards my 9 inch dick and commanded him to suck it he did as I asked and I moaned out "god your so good at this you slut~"

30 Mintues later

"phew that was so good" I stretched my arms as I finished getting dressed I'm surprised he cummed 5 times but for me I only did 3 times I went home to see Dante smirking at me "soo~ I'm guessing it went well..." I blushed and smiled "yup I think we're gonna make a bad couple of ya know what I mean~" I smirked back and went upstairs to sleep as I walked past Dante I noticed he was flustered "oops sorry for making you image some stuff you didn't need to but it's not really my fault brother" I went upstairs and fell asleep.

Thanks for reading

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