Cute freakles (Zane X aaron)

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Zane's pov:

Aphmau invited me over to her house I knocked on the door and a few seconds later Aaron answered "oh hey ap- oh you...." I grumbled he shot a stare back at me and growled "what are you doing here emo boy" I blushed under my mask and mumbled "aphmau invited me over" he got this confused look and said "she just left to go shopping with her friends" I was to confused why would she abandon me does she not like me anymore? I teared up and Aaron seemed to notice it as well.

"Zane? are you ok?" he asked I looked at him and nodded "You should come in it's cold..." he offered I shook my head but before I could say anything he dragged me in and put me on aphmau's bed "AARON LET ME!" before I could say anything he pulled down my mask...

Aaron's pov:

I pulled down his mask and blushed he's so cute... " Cute freakles zane" he blushed and looked away I made him face me and I kissed him his eyes widened but he melted into it I asked for entrance but he playfully denied hm guess I have to make him open that mouth of his I went down and slapped his ass making him moan I tarted my tongue into his mouth and left no area untouched I then took off our clothes breaking the kiss and I kissed his neck "ahh~" I knew I found his sweet spot I attacked that spot then I pulled my boxers down revealing my 10 inch member he blushed hard at this and I took his boxers down "hmm I'm saying 9 inches correct?" he nodded and then I stuck my finger in his ass.

He moaned a bit when I thought he was ready I added a second finger "AHHH~" he moaned as I did a scissor motion to expand his hole I took my fingers out and asked "I'm guessing your a virgin?" he shook his head no I was surprised and smirked "you dirty slut 😏" he blushed and I lined my member and his ass and I pushed in "mmm~ ahh~" I waiting for him to adjust and started moving "f-faster~" "what was that I couldn't hear you?" "AH FUCK ME FASTER AARON DONT HOLD BACK~" I smiled and said "that's a good boy" I went faster until I reached my limit "awhh a moaning mess under me already and we barely even started" "AHH~ AARON~ AH! CLOSE-" I knew what he was trying to say he was close I smiled and hit his spot "AHHHHHH~ T-THERE DADDY!~" I blushed "wow the nicknames already I see.." I started to pump his member and not even a second later he cummed onto my hand he lyed down letting out exhausted moans as I got closer to my limit I thrusted deeper but went a bit slower "fuck~ I'm close zane~" a few more thrusts and I pushed my member deep into him and cummed "Ahh fuck~" I moaned Zane released for a second time as I pulled out my seed leaked out of his pretty lil ass. "I love you Zane...." he smiled and breathed "I- l-love you t-" before he could Finnish his sentence he fell asleep I smiled and got dressed and pulled the covers over us kissed his head and fell asleep.

Thank you to willowSprinklez for suggesting this ❤️ have a good day or night bye for now

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