More kids (Einmau)

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Ok guys this is part 2 from the 'I need you ein' story! thank you again to Noirwolf500 for suggesting this also the story takes place 4 months after aphmau had their first baby called Fiona. anyways hope you enjoy and the art is not mine!

Ein's pov:

It's been 4 months since aph had our first kid she has beautiful black hair and grey eyes like me she's also a werewolf! Me and aphmau live in our own house and her mum was so happy to be her grandma but we did get told off when she found out we had sex... "m-morning honey *yawns*" I smiled and kissed her forehead "morning sweetie how's Fiona? and also how are you?" I asked she smiled and answered "she's okay and I am to I always feel so happy to wake up and see you" I blushed and chuckled "Well I had breakfast for us bacon and eggs" she got stars in her eyes and kissed me "tysm babe!!!" she gushed I smiled and pulled the chair back "take a seat milady" she chuckled "oh may what a gentleman" I laughed "anything for my beautiful girlfriend!"

Aphmau's pov:

After we ate ein gently grabbed me "hey babe? can I ask you something and please just answer me honestly" I tilted my head to the side "of course I will answer honestly!" he looked away blushing "i-i was thinking... c-can we have another baby?" I blushed crimson red and smiled and kissed his cheek "babe what kind of a question was that! OF COURSE I WANT TO HAVE ANOTHER PUP WITH YOU!" he smiled and took us up to our bedroom and took off my clothes and his and started to finger my pussy "ahh~ ein stop teasing me!!" I moaned he smirked and kept teasing me until he laid me down on the bed and pushed his dick in "ahhh~ fuck yeah" I moaned he massaged my breasts at the same time "NGH EIN!" I moaned he smiled and thrusted faster "AHHHHHH~ MORE DADDY!" I moaned he broke past his limit and was a panting mess along with me. He pulled out and asked me to pump his cock I smirked and pumped his dick hardly and fast "AHHH YES BABE THAT'S GOOD! MORE!" he moaned out I sat on his cock and bounced on it he pushed his length into my womenhood as I bounced making us both moan.

After about 20 mintues we were moaning messes"APHMAU!!! HARDER AHHHH NGH!" he moaned his tail swishing side to side every time I bounced on his good spot I grabbed his tail making his blush more "AHHHHHH T-THATS THE GOOD SPOT!" he moaned I smirked and tugged at it making him gasp and moan louder he hit my spot and I tilted my head back and stuck my tongue out "AHHHHHHHH~ R-RIGHT HERE DADDY!!!" I moaned as I kept tugging his tail he also threw his head back into the pillow and stuck his tongue out "F-FUCK A-APH IM CLOSE!" he moaned I bounced more harder and faster as I also was close. "M-ME AHHH~" I couldn't even finish a sentence because I was enjoying this to much after a minute we both came "t-that was *gasp* so good your so good at sex" he moaned I returned the compliment and I tucked myself into bed exussted from our sex and fell fast asleep.

I hope you enjoyed and I may do a part 3 if you want to!

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