Will you marry me? (Einmau)

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Okay I got my motivation back! and this is the 3rd and last part of I need you Ein. The picture is my drawing it's very ugly I can't draw 😭 anyways thanks to Noirwolf500 for requesting part 3! this is only ein's pov! and there is no smut!

It's been 5 months since aphmau gave birth to yet another bundle of joy this time it was twins! I was so happy when she told me the news it was one boy one girl! but don't forget Fiona. We decided to name the boy Nolan. He had black hair and orange eyes like aphmau and a human. We decided to name the other girl Jade. She had black hair and a half grey half orange eyes she was also a werewolf! and we are a very happy family.

"Morning honey!" aphmau blushed and kissed me "morning my beautiful lilac" she smiled and asked "How's the babies?" I nodded and replied "Their fine" Me and aphmau are currently at Hawaii and we asked her mum to take care of the children for us. "I just hope they are ok.." she looked worried so I kissed her again and pulled her into my chest and hugged her. "It's okay hey look at me sweetheart" she looked up and tilted her head "How about we go to the beach at sunset to enjoy our relationship and maybe take a walk on the beach as well sound good?" I asked her eyes lit up and squeeked.

"YESSS THATS SOUNDS SO ROMANTIC!" I smiled at how adorable she looks and was happy to have her as my girlfriend. But what she doesn't know is I'm not taking her to the beach just for a little walk no! I'm actually going to propose to her today when she sun is just right. "What should we do honey?" she asked "Well we could go to the swimming pool for now" I suggested "Yes!!" I was already in my swimming trucks so I went out and waited for her at the pool. Once she came out we spent all day there and before I knew it it was dinner time. "Babe what do u want for dinner?" I asked "BURGER!" I sighed and chuckled "Okay" after I finished the burger I gave it to her and we both ate I looked up at the sky and told aphmau we should head to the beach.

"HAHAA einnn come to the sea with me!" she laughed as I buried her in sand "Ok I'm making sur you don't drown shorty" she blushed and kissed me and ran into the ocean I grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me and she wrapped her legs around my waist and kissed me "I love you Ein..." I smiled "I love you to short potato" after we went to land and dried off the sun was just right okay ein don't back down you got this! "Hey babe let's start walking the sun is just setting now!" she called after me "not yet I have something I want to say" she looked confused "Aph everyday I wake up next to you I feel so much better my worried just go away and I don't want you to leave me ever so in order for me not to lose you well.." I went down on one knee and grabbed the box and opened it showing a beautiful purple ring with a diamond on it "Aphmau shakalaka will you marry me?" she burst out into tears "OMG EIN!! YES YES I WILL MARRY YOU!!!" I cried and got up and put the ring on her finger and kissed her. "I love you aphmau.." she looked up at me and smiled "I love you to ein... I love you to" after that we went on our sunset walk on the beach hand in hand.

Awhh it's so cute well thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it bye! also I finished all Ur requests so if I have more please don't be shy to put Ur request in the comments!

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