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Delilah's POV

I walked out of the hospital in excitement. I had set up my appointment like Darry told me too. I was getting hungry so i decided to go get some food at the Dingo. As i approached it i noticed a familiar car parked in the parking lot. I felt my heart start to pace. Maybe he was just getting some food. Or is this why he asked me what my plans were. I stepped in the restaurant and asked for a wet rag. He wasn't anywhere to be seen. They handed me a rag and i looked around more and found him.

But he wasn't alone.

Instead he was lip locked with the person i thought i would never see again. Cherry.

I just stood there. He pushed her off angrily, He turned to see what she was looking at, which was me. He saw me and his eyes went wide.

"Delilah-" he said trying to come up to me

I stuck my hand out and felt tears pour "Don't" i said and just walked out.

I heard thunder boom and i just ran out. The wet rag in my hand and tears down my face. I ran to the only person who makes me feel happy.


I sat down at his grave and sighed wiping my tears. I wiped the grave with the rag and felt a rain drop fall on my nose. The paint washed away from the name and i smiled but still cried "I guess i couldn't keep him" i sobbed. My heart hurt. Everything hurt "For the past few days" i choked out a sob "I've felt nothing. Ever since i saw you and hugged you, i felt nothing. But i feel again, I feel hurt. I'm broken again" i sniffed and wiped tears from my cheek. I took a deep breathe.

The rain started to pour, but i didn't care. I don't care. But i do.

I started to cry harder "Johnny please come back!" i screamed "I can't do this, Please! Just come back i can't do this!" i hit the ground with my fist. I screamed at his tomb. I felt two familiar arms try to set me down "No! Stop! Let me go!" i yelled out kicking and screaming. I finally gave up and felt his arms wrap around me "Shh, please. Be quiet babe come on"

Johnny's dead.


I woke up to the sun shinning threw the blinds of my room. I looked down at my bony body. I haven't eaten in so long. I was wearing a green tee-shirt. I knew it was Ponyboy's. I looked over and saw him sitting in a chair rubbing his head in his hands "You're awake" he said when he saw me. I nodded and tried to get up. He grabbed my arm but i looked at him and yanked it away. I got up and he got up too "Please let me talk" he said.

I tried to walk into my bathroom but Pony grabbed my wrist and pinned me to a wall with my arms up. I tried to get out of grip but it didn't work "Please just listen" he said. My arms got up for a only a second. But he pushed my arms back. I strain of my still damp hair fell in front of my face "Listen" he said quietly. I was out of breathe, so i let him talk

"I was at The Dingo and Cherry showed up. I tried to avoid her but she would block my way. I saw you and I told her i need to go see you but she wouldn't move. When you walked in and grabbed the rag she kissed right as you turned to look at me. I got kicked out of The Dingo because i slammed her down after you left. I knew where you were going. So i chased after you. I know you didn't want to see me but i couldn't loose you again. Not you and Johnny." he closed his eyes

"Please baby forgive me"

I nodded. He kept his eyes closed. He let my wrist go and looked down I grabbed his chin and kissed him "I forgive you" i said quietly. I kissed his nose and he smiled "I love you so much, Please don't ever leave me" he said and grabbed my face.

I looked at his closed eyes "Never"


Me and Pony had our own lazy day. Which i enjoyed. You may think it was stupid to forgive him but, if you love someone you will do anything to keep them near you. We were cuddling on the couch watching Mickey Mouse.

"So when's your surgery?" he asked me drawing circles on my stomach "Tomorrow. I'm nervous" i said "Why?" he asked propping himself up on his elbow.

"I've lived with these voices all my life, and now there just gonna be gone. What am i going to do?" i said turning myself to face him. I looked down "Don't be worried. It is gonna be a big step for you.. But you can do it. It's gonna make you happier" He said smiling at me. I nodded and looked up at him. He kissed my nose and i smiled. He continued to kiss all over my face. I giggled as he trapped me in his arms. I tried to push him away playfully but he pulled me back. I turned my head and he still kissed me

I went under and rolled off the couch "No" he said holding out the 'o'. I giggled and turned on the radio. And jumped on the table. He jumped on there with me and danced with me. We danced like crazy. Like it was normal. Like i wasn't gonna be in surgery tomorrow.

He spun me around and placed his forehead on mine. I smiled and placed my hands on his face. He leaned in and kissed me. I smiled against the kiss. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me closer. Before our beautiful kiss could continue we heard a cough at the door.

Darry and Sodapop were standing at the door staring at us "Well would you look at that" Soda said. Pony smirked. I felt my face go red. I placed my head on his shoulder "My kid brother, making out" Darry said. He chuckled "On a table?" Soda said. I threw my head back laughing. I love these guys


We had to wake up extra early since the surgery was going to be in the morning. I put on some black jeans and a white top. I put on a flannel and Johnny's jacket before my black coat and black combat boots. I took a deep breathe. This was it.

No more voices.

Ponyboy's POV

The whole car ride to the hospital Delilah held my hand tightly. She had told me how nervous she was about it. I was too i just didn't want anything to happen.

We were already at the hospital waiting for her to come out from the operation. The whole time there were nurses running around and whispering and looking at us. That got me real worried. I paced around the waiting room shaking "Where is she? Why are those nurses staring at us? You have a problem huh? Quit starin' will ya!" i yelled at the nurses. I felt Soda grab my arm "Ponyboy you're gonna get us kicked out before we can see her walk out of that operating room" he said. I looked at him worried. I'm sure he was feeling the same way as me.

Eventually they came out. Without Delilah.. My heart staring pacing. Darry looked at Soda, Then to Me, Then back to Soda. Soda grabbed me. Darry walked up to the Doctors and i tried to escape Soda grasp. Eventually i did.

It felt like slow motion.

I approached the doctors. The only thing i caught in there words was something i wish i didn't

"I'm sorry sir.. Delilah is in a coma"

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